biomedicina slovenica

Vsebinske oznake s frekvencami

adolescence (1775)
adult (2876)
adultmiddle ageaged (1)
aged (2373)
ancient (2)
animal (6502)
animals (2)
case report (2903)
cats (72)
cattle (323)
chick embryo (16)
child (5559)
child preschool (9)
child school (9)
child, preschool (442)
clinical research (30)
comparative study (821)
CP (1)
CR (40)
CS (1)
Cs (1)
current biog-obit (3)
dogs (309)
ES (26)
female (7672)
frogs (2)
guinea pigs (96)
HA (78)
hamsters (53)
historical article (38)
historical biography (5)
history of medicine (1)
history of medicineL 18th cent. (1)
history of medicineL 19th cent. (1)
history of medicine, ancient (3)
history of medicine, medieval (8)
history of medicine, 15th cent. (5)
history of medicine, 16th cent. (7)
history of medicine, 17th cent. (8)
history of medicine, 18th cent. (21)
history of medicine, 19th cent. (35)
history of medicine, 20th cent. (70)
human (73389)
human/female (1)
in vitro (619)
infant (797)
infant, newborn (1223)
KS (97)
male (3078)
medieval (6)
mice (680)
middle age (1480)
plant (31)
pregnancy (1839)
rabbits (122)
rats (1134)
review (5)
16th century (5)
17th century (3)
18th century (10)
19th century (20)
20th century (45)

Stran je bila postavljena 19. julija 2010 in nazadnje spremenjen 18. januarr 2023. Zbirka Biomedicina Slovenica vključuje letnike od 1922 do 2022 in obsega 221.428 zapisov. Pripombe prosim pošljite na naslov:
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