biomedicina slovenica

"Children's Health" : 25

  1. Carel Jean-Claude; Hochberg Ze'ev
    Yearbook of pediatric endocrinology 2011
  2. Jutraž Anja; Kukec Andreja
    Parametri kakovosti notranjega zraka in njihovi vplivi na zdravje otrok
    [Indoor air quality parameters and their impact on children's health]
  3. Kopčavar Guček Nena; Zaviršek Darja
    Razumevanje vpliva nasilja na zdravje žensk in otrok in pomen medstrokovnega sodelovanja
    [Understanding the impact of domestic violence on women's and children's health and the impact of interprofessional collaboration]
  4. Szigeti Tamás; Pándics Tamás; Paldy Anna; Rudnai Péter; Hofer Ádám; Otorepec Peter; Kukec Andreja; Bevc Mojca
    Integrated problem solving approaches to ensure children's health at schools - the InAirQ project
  5. Černe Katarina; Škof Erik; Kobal Borut
    Potential of osteopontin in the management of ovarian cancer
  6. Achieving the highest attainable standard of women's and children's health care services
  7. Papler Lea; Milavec Kapun Marija; Kvas Andreja
    Skrb za zdravje otrok v rokah učiteljev namesto v rokah šolskih medicinskih sester
    [Care for the children's health in the hands of teachers rather than in the hands of school nurses]
  8. Kukec Andreja; Jutraž Nika; Uršič Simona; Otorepec Peter
    Vpliv kakovosti notranjega zraka na zdravje otrok
    [Effects of indoor air pollution on children's health]
  9. Kukec Andreja; Dovjak Mateja; Tajnikar Sara; Krulec Aleš; Eržen Ivan; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Effect of atmospheric air pollution on children's health
  10. Kukec Andreja
    Effects of outdoor air pollution on children's health in Zasavje region, Slovenia
  11. Galičič An; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana; Božnar Marija; Grašič Boštjan; Mlakar Primož; Kukec Andreja
    Methodology for defining the effects of outdoor air pollution on children's health at the population level
  12. Kegl Barbara
    Osveščenost staršev po preventivnih obiskih otrok na primarnem nivoju
    [Awareness of parents on preventive examinations children]
  13. Kukec Andreja; Farkaš-Lainščak Jerneja; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Vrednotenje vpliva onesnaženosti zunanjega zraka na zdravje otrok
    [Evaluation of outdoor air pollution impact on children's health]
  14. Torkar Tanja; Grmek-Košnik Irena; Skela-Savič Brigita
    Vključevanje poklicnega profila šolska medicinska sestra v slovenske šole
    [Introduction of school nursing in Slovenia]
  15. Pronczuk de Garbino Jenny
    Zdravje otrok in okolje: potrebna so dejanja
    [Children's health and the environment: the need to take action]
  16. Selič P
    Otroci, žrtve spolnih zlorab - razmišljanja o zdravju teh (pa tudi drugih) otrok v luči konvencije o otrokovih pravicah
    [Child victims of sexual abuse - reflections on the health of these (and other) children in the light of the convention on the rights of the child]
  17. Hoyer Silvestra
    Zdravstvena vzgoja in promocija dojenja, pregled programov v literaturi
    [Health education and promotion of breast feeding, the survey of programmes in literature]
  18. Jamšek Marija
    Preprečevanje zastrupitev in nujni ukrepi pri le-teh
    [Prevention of poisonings and urgent measures]
  19. Plevnik-Vodušek V
    Delo v alergoloških ambulantah
    [Analysis of work in an allergy outpatient clinic]
  20. Hoyer Silva
    Pregled nekaterih dokumentov SZO in UNICEF, pomembnih za pospeševanje, spodbujanje in vzdrževanje dojenja
    [Surway of some WHO and UNICEF documents, important for promoting, stimulating and maintaining of breast-feeding]
  21. Grgurić J
    Social pediatrics in war circumstances
    [Socialna pediatrija v vojnih okoliščinah]
  22. Bigec M; Kancler K; Završnik J; Židanik A; Kokol P
    Možnost znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela na področju socialne in razvojne pediatrije v Dispanzerju za otroke Maribor
    [Possibilities for scientific research work in the field of social and developmental paediatrics at the Children's health centre Maribor]
  23. Kraker-Starman A
    Čeri zdravstvene vzgoje med mladino
    [Problems of health education among the young population]
  24. Prodan M
    Zdravljenje otrok leta 2000 - nove naloge pediatra
    [The children's health by 2000 - the new pediatrician's tasks]
  25. Stražiščar K
    Zdravje šolarjev
    [The schoolchildren's health]

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