biomedicina slovenica

"Electric Stimulation" : 917

  1. Goljar Kregar Nika; Bizovičar Nataša; Rudolf Marko; Batinič Maja
    Functional Electrical Stimulation for home use in patients after stroke
    [Funkcionalna električna stimulacija za kućnu upotrebu kod bolesnika nakon moždanog udara]
  2. Kostanjšek Laura; Groleger Sršen Katja
    Mnenje uporabnikov o učinku podpražne električne stimulacije na spastičnost in funkcijo zgornjega uda pri otrocih in mladostnikih z okvaro osrednjega živčevja
    [User opinions of the effect of subthreshold electrical stimulation on spasticity and upper limb function in children and adolescents with central nervous impairment]
  3. Bizovičar Nataša
    Uporaba transkranialne stimulacije z direktnim električnim tokom pri otrocih in mladostnikih
    [The use of transcranial direct current stimulation in children and adolescents]
  4. Golež Ana; Koritnik Blaž
    Primerjava načinov in klinična uporabnost merjenja časa prevajanja v kavdi ekvini
    [(A comparison and clinical use of measuring techniques of conduction time in cauda equina)]
  5. Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Invazivne metode za zdravljenje kronične nemaligne bolečine
    [Invasive methods for chronic non-malignant pain management]
  6. Tozon Nataša; Kodre Veronika; Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja
    Electrochemotherapy with cisplatin: an alternative treatment of perianal tumors in dogs
  7. Tozon Nataša; Kodre Veronika; Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja
  8. Ivanuša Teodora; Jevtič Vladimir; Serša Gregor
    Makromolekularna kontrastna sredstva pri slikanju z magnetno resonanco in merjenje pretoka krvi v SA-1 tumorjih miši
    [Macromolecular contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging and blood flow evaluation in SA-1 mice tumors]
  9. But Igor; Marčun-Varda Nataša
    A new treatment for girls with primary nocturnal enuresis
  10. Strojnik Tadej
    Spinal cord stimulation is an effective treatment for failed back surgery syndrome - Our experience with 25 cases
  11. Zabukovec Irena; Šćepanović Darija
    Konservativno zdravljenje urinske inkontinence po radikalni prostatektomiji - pregled literature
    [Conservative treatment of urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy - literature review]
  12. Burger Helena; Marinček Črt; Vidmar Gaj
    Improving walking in persons after trans-femoral amputation by means of electrical stimulation
    [Izboljšanje hoje pri osebah po nadkolenski amputaciji z uporabo električne stimulacije]
  13. Čemažar Maja; Kamenšek Urška; Tevž Gregor; Kranjc Simona; Vidic Suzana; Serša Gregor
    Altered activity of CMV promoter in stably transfected murine cells and solid tumors by stress and demethylation
  14. Lahajnar Slavica; Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Invazivni postopki zdravljenja bolečine
  15. Benedičič Mitja
    Razvoj metode medoperativnega spremljanja delovanja vidnega živca z epiduralno električno stimulacijo
    [Development of a method of intraoperative monitoring of the optic nerve function using epidural electrical stimulation]
  16. Mirkovič Tomislav; Kneževič Ivan; Radan Ivan; Rozman Janez; Geršak Borut; Podbregar Matej
    Frequency dependent effect of selective biphasic left vagus nerve stimulation on heart rate and arterial pressure
  17. Pečlin Polona; Podbregar Matej; Rozman Janez; Suhadolnik Alojz
    A chamber for biomechanical, electrochemical and electrophysiological measurements in functional segments of peripheral nerves
  18. Bon Jurij; Žmitek Andrej
    Sodobni biološki načini zdravljenja depresivne motnje
    [Modern biological treatments of depression]
  19. Kopitar Andreja N; Kotnik Vladimir; Vidmar Gaj; Ihan Alojz; Novak Primož; Štefančič Martin
    Therapeutic electric stimulation does not affect immune status in healthy individuals - a preliminary report
  20. Pečlin Polona; Vode Franci; Mehle Andraž; Grešovnik Igor; Rozman Janez
    Influence of transient response of platinum electrode on neural signals during stimulation of isolated swinish left vagus nerve
    [Vpliv prehodnega značaja platinaste elektrode na živčni signal med stimulacijo izoliranega živca vagusa svinje]
  21. Podnar Simon
    Clinical elicitation of the penilo-cavernosus reflex in circumcised men
  22. Podnar Simon
    Neurophysiologic studies of the sacral reflex in women with non-neurogenic sacral dysfunction
  23. Strojnik Tadej
    Spinal cord stimulation in management of chronic pain - mechanism of action and our experiences
  24. Tršinar Bojan; Tršinar Primož
    Vpliv trajanja zdravljenja na učinkovitost maksimalne električne stimulacije pri otrocih z nenevrogenim čezmerno aktivnim sečnim mehurjem in s težavami pri mokrenju
    [Influence of the duration of treatment on the effectiveness of anal maximal electrical stimulation in children with nonneurogenic overactive bladder and micturition problems]
  25. Pečlin P; Rozman J
    Spiral cuff for fiber-diameter selective VNS
  26. Benedičič Mitja; Bošnjak Roman
    Optic nerve potentials and cortical potentials after stimulation of the anterior visual pathway during neurosurgery
  27. Benedičič Mitja; Bošnjak Roman
    Intraoperative monitoring of the visual function using cortical potentials after electrical epidural stimulation of the optic nerve
  28. Pečlin Polona; Ribarič Samo; Rozman Janez
    Cell for electrochemical and electrophysiological measurements in peripheral nerves
    [Celica za elektrokemijske in elektrofiziološke meritve na perifernih živcih]
  29. Worms Georg; Matjačić Zlatko; Gollee Henrik; Cikajlo Imre; Goljar Nika; Hunt Kenneth J.
    Sensory electrical nerve stimulation for training dynamic balance responses in a chronic stroke patient
  30. Rodi Zoran; Springer Christiaan
    Influence of muscle contraction and intensity of stimulation on the cutaneous silent period
  31. Krkovič Matija; Bošnjak Roman
    Subperiosteal elevation of the ulnar nerve-Anatomical considerations and preliminary results
  32. Bošnjak Roman; Benedičič Mitja
    Direct epidural electrical stimulation of the optic nerve: a new method for intraoperative assessment of function
  33. Andjelić Sofija; Gallopin Thierry; Cauli Bruno; Hill Elisa L
    Glutamatergic nonpyramidal neurons from neocortical layer VI and their comparison with pyramidal and spiny stellate neurons
  34. Popović Dejan B; Popović Mirjana B
    New trends in neurorehabilitation of subjects with central nervous system lesions
    [Novi trendi pri nevrorehabilitaciji oseb z okvaro centralnega živčnega sistema]
  35. Pečlin Polona; Zdovc Miro; Rozman Janez
    Chronic stimulation of an autonomous nerve with platinum electrodes
    [Kronična stimulacija avtonomnega živca s platinastimi elektrodami]
  36. Boerio-Gueguen Delphine; Frangež Robert; Sepčić Kristina; Benoit Evelyine
    Effects of ostreolysin, a protein from the oyster muschroom Pleurotus ostreatus, on the mouse neuromuscular system in vivo
    [Effets del l'ostreolysine, une proteine du champignon Pleurotus ostreatus, sur le systeme neuromusculaire de la souris in vivo]
  37. Rousseff RT; Khuraibet AJ; Neubauer D
    The "Child in the Barrel syndrome"--severe pharyngeal-cervical-brachial variant of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in a toddler
  38. Rozman J; Pečlin P; Kneževič Ivan; Mirkovič T; Geršak Borut; Podbregar M
    Heart function influenced by selective mid-cervical left vagus nerve stimulation in a human case study
  39. Podnar S
    Predictive value of the penilo-cavernosus reflex
  40. Podnar S
    The penilo-cavernosus reflex: comparison of different stimulation techniques
  41. Podnar Simon
    Clinical and neurophysiologic testing of the penilo-cavernosus reflex
  42. Podnar Simon
    Sphincter electromyography and the penilo-cavernosus reflex: are both necessary?
  43. Trinkaus M; Pregelj P; Trkov S; Sketelj J
    Neural regulation of acetylcholinesterase-associated collagen Q in rat skeletal muscles
  44. Kodre Veronika; Čemažar Maja; Pečar Jani; Serša Gregor; Cör Andrej; Tozon Nataša
    Electrochemotherapy compared to surgery for treatment of canine mast cell tumours
  45. Pavlica Zlatko; Petelin Milan; Nemec Ana; Crossley David A.; Čemažar Maja; Serša Gregor; Tozon Nataša
    Treatment of feline lingual squamous cell carcinoma using electrochemotherapy: a case report
  46. But Igor
    Treatment modalities of overactive bladder
  47. Marčun-Varda Nataša; Gregorič Alojz; But Igor
    Functional magnetic stimulation - a promising treatment met[h]od of children with primary noctural enuresis
  48. Trontelj Melita
    Refleksni lok prve komponente mežikalnega refleksa pri človeku: magistrsko delo
  49. Marčun-Varda Nataša; But Igor
    Treatment of primary noctural enuresis with functional magnetic stimulation
  50. Marinček Črt
    Functional electrical stimulation
  51. Spivak E; Keren O; Niv D; Levental J; Steinberg F.; Barak D; Chen B; Zupan Anton; Catz A
    Electromyographic signal-activated functional electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles: the effect on pulmonary function in patients with tetraplegia
  52. Vodušek DB; Laycock J
    Therapeutic electrical stimulation
  53. But Igor; Faganelj But Metka; Glodež Sonja; Marčun-Varda Nataša
    Funkcionalna magnetna stimulacija - nova metoda zdravljenja deklic s primarno nočno enurezo : zaključno poročilo o rezultatih raziskovalnega projekta
  54. Pregelj Peter; Trinkaus Miha; Zupan Daša; Trontelj Jože V; Sketelj Janez
    The role of muscle activation pattern and calcineurin in acetylcholinesterase regulation in rat skeletal muscles
  55. Cikajlo I; Matjačić Z; Bajd T
    CNS reorganization during sensory-supported treadmill training
  56. Božič M; Kastelic A; Vatovec J
    Uporabnost rezultatov NRT meritev pri nastavljanju govornih procesorjev
    [Neural response telemetry in cochlear implant users]
  57. Geczy B; Vatovec J; Butinar D
    Rezultati meritev odzivov slušnega živca na električno draženje pred in med vstavitvijo kohlearnega implanta
  58. Andjelić Sofija
    Calcium dynamics and compartmentalization in leech neurons
  59. Andjelić Sofija; Torre Vincent
    Calcium dynamics and compartmentalization in leech neurons
  60. Worms Georg; Matjačić Zlatko; Gollee Henrik; Goljar Imre; Hunt Kenneth J
    Dynamic balance training with sensory electrical stimulation in chronic stroke patients
  61. Klopčič-Spevak Milica
    Vertebrogena bolečina: segmentna nevromioterapija miofascialne bolečine - segmentna desenzitizacija
    [Segmental neuromyotherapy of myofascial pain - segmental desenzitization]
  62. Kawanishi Tsutomu; Kanoh Shin'ichiro; Cikajlo Imre; Futami Ryoko
    Development of EMG-driven type lower limb FES control system
  63. Sedej Bogdana; Kos Nataša
    Medicinska rehabilitacija bolnika s kronično rano
  64. Fornezzi Špela; Savić Lidija; Horvat Tatjana
    Fizioterapija pri parezi brahialnega pleteža: predstavitev primera
  65. Trošt Maja
    Dystonia update
  66. Bošnjak Dragica
    Spodbujeni živec umirja napade in lajša življenje: prvič pri nas z novo metodo proti epilepsiji
  67. Lukanovič Adolf
    Uhajanje urina je mogoče pozdraviti
  68. Futami R; Seki K; Kawanishi T; Sugiyama T; Cikajlo I; Handa Y
    Application of local EMG-driven FES to incompletely paralyzed lower extremities
  69. Cikajlo I; Obreza P; Šavrin R; Matjačić Z; Bajd T
    Postural balance improvement using dermotome electrical stimulation therapy in incomplete SCI patients
  70. Anonymous ;
    Conference proceedings of the 10th annual conference of the international functional electrical stimulation society; 2005 Jul 5-8; Montreal
  71. Marinček Črt; Burger H
    Functional electrical stimulation
  72. Šćepanović Darija
    Urinska inkontinenca in pljučne bolezni
    [Urinary incontinence and respiratory problems]
  73. Rener-Primec Zvonka
    Zdravljenje trdovratnih epilepsij s spodbujevalnikom vagusnega živca
  74. Cikajlo Imre; Matjačić Zlatko; Bajd Tadej; Futami Ryoko
    Sensory supported FES control in gait training of incomplete spinal cord injury persons
  75. Matjačić Zlatko; Rusjan Špela; Stanonik Irena; Goljar Nika; Olenšek Andrej
    Methods for dynamic balance training during standing and stepping
  76. Šarabon Nejc
    Učinki proprioceptivnega in eksteroceptivnega dotoka na funkcijsko stanje motoričnega korteksa pri človeku
  77. Bajd Tadej
    Uporaba kognitivne povratne zanke pri urjenju hoje s funkcionalno električno stimulacijo
    [Use of cognitive feedback in training of walking with functional electrical stimulation]
  78. Strojnik Tadej; Chudy Darko; Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Stimulacija hrbtnega mozga za kronično neobvladljivo bolečino
    [Spinal cord stimulation for chronic intractable pain]
  79. Čelan Dušan; Jesenšek-Papež Breda; Lonzarić Dragan
    Strokovna in racionalna fizikalna terapija v rehabilitacijski obravnavi bolnikov s periferno okvaro obraznega živca
  80. Štefančič Martin
    Kaj pričakujemo od električne stimulacije pri perifernih živčnih lezijah?
  81. Turk Zmago
    Fizikalna medicina in rehabilitacija
  82. But Igor; Faganelj Metka; Šoštarič Andrej
    Functional magnetic stimulation for mixed urinary incontinence
  83. Rozman Janez; Ribarič Samo; Bunc Matjaž; Drevenšek Gorazd
    Modulation of a dog's internal organ function by selective stimulation of the splanchnic nerve
  84. Vrabl Živan
    Oblike invazivnega zdravljenja kronične bolečine
  85. Pregelj Peter; Sketelj Janez
    Phasic muscle activation pattern and calcineurin inhibition increase acetylcholinesterase expression in the slow soleus muscle of the rat
  86. Cukjati David; Šavrin Rajmond
    Electric current wound healing
  87. Rosch Paul J; Markov Marko S
    Bioelectromagnetic medicine
  88. Strojnik Tadej
    Nevrostimulacija v zdravljenju neobvladljive bolečine: v mariborski bolnišnici smo začeli s stimulacijo hrbtenjače bolnikov s hudo kronično bolečino
  89. Eržen Ida
    Plasticity of skeletal muscle studied by stereology
  90. Lukanovič Adolf
    Will new drugs make surgery obsolete
  91. Šćepanović Darija
    Office urogynecology
  92. Cikajlo I; Matjačić Z; Bajd T; Futami R; Hoshimiya N
    Sensory supported FES control in gait training of incomplete SCI persons
  93. Rozman Janez; Bunc Matjaž
    Modulation of visceral function by selective stimulation of the left vagus nerve in dogs
  94. Rozman J; Mihić M; Bunc M; Princi T
    Modulation of PH in the stommach of a dog by selective stimulation of the left vagus nerve
  95. Bijak Manfred; Mayr Winfried; Pichler Melita
    Proceedings of the 8th Vienna international workshop on functional electrical stimulation; 2004 Sep 10-13; Vienna
  96. Rozman J; Krajnik J; Gregorič M
    Selective stimulation of the common peroneal nerve for hemiplegia: long-term clinical follow-up
  97. Mlakar M; Burgar M; Burger H
    The most frequent problems in rehabilitation of children using myoelectric prostheses - a prosthetist's prospective
  98. Cikajlo I; Matjačić Z; Bajd T
    Control of the functional electrical stimulation in treadmill rehabilitation
  99. Dimitrijević MR; Minassian K; Persy I
    What does the human brain tell to the spinal cord to generate standing and walking?
  100. Zupan Anton
    Rehabilitation programs for people with neuromuscular disorders
    [Program rehabilitacije za bolnike z živčno-mišičnimi boleznimi]

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