biomedicina slovenica |
"Electric Stimulation" : 917
Goljar Kregar Nika; Bizovičar Nataša; Rudolf Marko; Batinič Maja
Functional Electrical Stimulation for home use in patients after stroke
[Funkcionalna električna stimulacija za kućnu upotrebu kod bolesnika nakon moždanog udara]
2022 ►
Kostanjšek Laura; Groleger Sršen Katja
Mnenje uporabnikov o učinku podpražne električne stimulacije na spastičnost in funkcijo zgornjega uda pri otrocih in mladostnikih z okvaro osrednjega živčevja
[User opinions of the effect of subthreshold electrical stimulation on spasticity and upper limb function in children and adolescents with central nervous impairment]
2022 ►
Bizovičar Nataša
Uporaba transkranialne stimulacije z direktnim električnim tokom pri otrocih in mladostnikih
[The use of transcranial direct current stimulation in children and adolescents]
2017 ►
Golež Ana; Koritnik Blaž
Primerjava načinov in klinična uporabnost merjenja časa prevajanja v kavdi ekvini
[(A comparison and clinical use of measuring techniques of conduction time in cauda equina)]
2016 ►
Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
Invazivne metode za zdravljenje kronične nemaligne bolečine
[Invasive methods for chronic non-malignant pain management]
2009 ►
Tozon Nataša; Kodre Veronika; Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja
Electrochemotherapy with cisplatin: an alternative treatment of perianal tumors in dogs
2004 ►
Tozon Nataša; Kodre Veronika; Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja
2004 ►
Ivanuša Teodora; Jevtič Vladimir; Serša Gregor
Makromolekularna kontrastna sredstva pri slikanju z magnetno resonanco in merjenje pretoka krvi v SA-1 tumorjih miši
[Macromolecular contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging and blood flow evaluation in SA-1 mice tumors]
2000 ►
But Igor; Marčun-Varda Nataša
A new treatment for girls with primary nocturnal enuresis
2007 ►
Strojnik Tadej
Spinal cord stimulation is an effective treatment for failed back surgery syndrome - Our experience with 25 cases
2010 ►
Zabukovec Irena; Šćepanović Darija
Konservativno zdravljenje urinske inkontinence po radikalni prostatektomiji - pregled literature
[Conservative treatment of urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy - literature review]
2013 ►
Burger Helena; Marinček Črt; Vidmar Gaj
Improving walking in persons after trans-femoral amputation by means of electrical stimulation
[Izboljšanje hoje pri osebah po nadkolenski amputaciji z uporabo električne stimulacije]
2014 ►
Čemažar Maja; Kamenšek Urška; Tevž Gregor; Kranjc Simona; Vidic Suzana; Serša Gregor
Altered activity of CMV promoter in stably transfected murine cells and solid tumors by stress and demethylation
2009 ►
Lahajnar Slavica; Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
Invazivni postopki zdravljenja bolečine
2012 ►
Benedičič Mitja
Razvoj metode medoperativnega spremljanja delovanja vidnega živca z epiduralno električno stimulacijo
[Development of a method of intraoperative monitoring of the optic nerve function using epidural electrical stimulation]
2012 ►
Mirkovič Tomislav; Kneževič Ivan; Radan Ivan; Rozman Janez; Geršak Borut; Podbregar Matej
Frequency dependent effect of selective biphasic left vagus nerve stimulation on heart rate and arterial pressure
2012 ►
Pečlin Polona; Podbregar Matej; Rozman Janez; Suhadolnik Alojz
A chamber for biomechanical, electrochemical and electrophysiological measurements in functional segments of peripheral nerves
2013 ►
Bon Jurij; Žmitek Andrej
Sodobni biološki načini zdravljenja depresivne motnje
[Modern biological treatments of depression]
2012 ►
Kopitar Andreja N; Kotnik Vladimir; Vidmar Gaj; Ihan Alojz; Novak Primož; Štefančič Martin
Therapeutic electric stimulation does not affect immune status in healthy individuals - a preliminary report
2012 ►
Pečlin Polona; Vode Franci; Mehle Andraž; Grešovnik Igor; Rozman Janez
Influence of transient response of platinum electrode on neural signals during stimulation of isolated swinish left vagus nerve
[Vpliv prehodnega značaja platinaste elektrode na živčni signal med stimulacijo izoliranega živca vagusa svinje]
2012 ►
Podnar Simon
Clinical elicitation of the penilo-cavernosus reflex in circumcised men
2012 ►
Podnar Simon
Neurophysiologic studies of the sacral reflex in women with non-neurogenic sacral dysfunction
2011 ►
Strojnik Tadej
Spinal cord stimulation in management of chronic pain - mechanism of action and our experiences
2011 ►
Tršinar Bojan; Tršinar Primož
Vpliv trajanja zdravljenja na učinkovitost maksimalne električne stimulacije pri otrocih z nenevrogenim čezmerno aktivnim sečnim mehurjem in s težavami pri mokrenju
[Influence of the duration of treatment on the effectiveness of anal maximal electrical stimulation in children with nonneurogenic overactive bladder and micturition problems]
2012 ►
Pečlin P; Rozman J
Spiral cuff for fiber-diameter selective VNS
2011 ►
Benedičič Mitja; Bošnjak Roman
Optic nerve potentials and cortical potentials after stimulation of the anterior visual pathway during neurosurgery
2011 ►
Benedičič Mitja; Bošnjak Roman
Intraoperative monitoring of the visual function using cortical potentials after electrical epidural stimulation of the optic nerve
2011 ►
Pečlin Polona; Ribarič Samo; Rozman Janez
Cell for electrochemical and electrophysiological measurements in peripheral nerves
[Celica za elektrokemijske in elektrofiziološke meritve na perifernih živcih]
2011 ►
Worms Georg; Matjačić Zlatko; Gollee Henrik; Cikajlo Imre; Goljar Nika; Hunt Kenneth J.
Sensory electrical nerve stimulation for training dynamic balance responses in a chronic stroke patient
2011 ►
Rodi Zoran; Springer Christiaan
Influence of muscle contraction and intensity of stimulation on the cutaneous silent period
2011 ►
Krkovič Matija; Bošnjak Roman
Subperiosteal elevation of the ulnar nerve-Anatomical considerations and preliminary results
2008 ►
Bošnjak Roman; Benedičič Mitja
Direct epidural electrical stimulation of the optic nerve: a new method for intraoperative assessment of function
2008 ►
Andjelić Sofija; Gallopin Thierry; Cauli Bruno; Hill Elisa L
Glutamatergic nonpyramidal neurons from neocortical layer VI and their comparison with pyramidal and spiny stellate neurons
2009 ►
Popović Dejan B; Popović Mirjana B
New trends in neurorehabilitation of subjects with central nervous system lesions
[Novi trendi pri nevrorehabilitaciji oseb z okvaro centralnega živčnega sistema]
2010 ►
Pečlin Polona; Zdovc Miro; Rozman Janez
Chronic stimulation of an autonomous nerve with platinum electrodes
[Kronična stimulacija avtonomnega živca s platinastimi elektrodami]
2010 ►
Boerio-Gueguen Delphine; Frangež Robert; Sepčić Kristina; Benoit Evelyine
Effects of ostreolysin, a protein from the oyster muschroom Pleurotus ostreatus, on the mouse neuromuscular system in vivo
[Effets del l'ostreolysine, une proteine du champignon Pleurotus ostreatus, sur le systeme neuromusculaire de la souris in vivo]
2009 ►
Rousseff RT; Khuraibet AJ; Neubauer D
The "Child in the Barrel syndrome"--severe pharyngeal-cervical-brachial variant of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in a toddler
2008 ►
Rozman J; Pečlin P; Kneževič Ivan; Mirkovič T; Geršak Borut; Podbregar M
Heart function influenced by selective mid-cervical left vagus nerve stimulation in a human case study
2009 ►
Podnar S
Predictive value of the penilo-cavernosus reflex
2009 ►
Podnar S
The penilo-cavernosus reflex: comparison of different stimulation techniques
2008 ►
Podnar Simon
Clinical and neurophysiologic testing of the penilo-cavernosus reflex
2008 ►
Podnar Simon
Sphincter electromyography and the penilo-cavernosus reflex: are both necessary?
2008 ►
Trinkaus M; Pregelj P; Trkov S; Sketelj J
Neural regulation of acetylcholinesterase-associated collagen Q in rat skeletal muscles
2008 ►
Kodre Veronika; Čemažar Maja; Pečar Jani; Serša Gregor; Cör Andrej; Tozon Nataša
Electrochemotherapy compared to surgery for treatment of canine mast cell tumours
2009 ►
Pavlica Zlatko; Petelin Milan; Nemec Ana; Crossley David A.; Čemažar Maja; Serša Gregor; Tozon Nataša
Treatment of feline lingual squamous cell carcinoma using electrochemotherapy: a case report
2006 ►
But Igor
Treatment modalities of overactive bladder
2008 ►
Marčun-Varda Nataša; Gregorič Alojz; But Igor
Functional magnetic stimulation - a promising treatment met[h]od of children with primary noctural enuresis
2008 ►
Trontelj Melita
Refleksni lok prve komponente mežikalnega refleksa pri človeku: magistrsko delo
1973 ►
Marčun-Varda Nataša; But Igor
Treatment of primary noctural enuresis with functional magnetic stimulation
2006 ►
Marinček Črt
Functional electrical stimulation
2007 ►
Spivak E; Keren O; Niv D; Levental J; Steinberg F.; Barak D; Chen B; Zupan Anton; Catz A
Electromyographic signal-activated functional electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles: the effect on pulmonary function in patients with tetraplegia
2007 ►
Vodušek DB; Laycock J
Therapeutic electrical stimulation
2008 ►
But Igor; Faganelj But Metka; Glodež Sonja; Marčun-Varda Nataša
Funkcionalna magnetna stimulacija - nova metoda zdravljenja deklic s primarno nočno enurezo : zaključno poročilo o rezultatih raziskovalnega projekta
2007 ►
Pregelj Peter; Trinkaus Miha; Zupan Daša; Trontelj Jože V; Sketelj Janez
The role of muscle activation pattern and calcineurin in acetylcholinesterase regulation in rat skeletal muscles
2007 ►
Cikajlo I; Matjačić Z; Bajd T
CNS reorganization during sensory-supported treadmill training
2007 ►
Božič M; Kastelic A; Vatovec J
Uporabnost rezultatov NRT meritev pri nastavljanju govornih procesorjev
[Neural response telemetry in cochlear implant users]
2006 ►
Geczy B; Vatovec J; Butinar D
Rezultati meritev odzivov slušnega živca na električno draženje pred in med vstavitvijo kohlearnega implanta
2006 ►
Andjelić Sofija
Calcium dynamics and compartmentalization in leech neurons
2006 ►
Andjelić Sofija; Torre Vincent
Calcium dynamics and compartmentalization in leech neurons
2005 ►
Worms Georg; Matjačić Zlatko; Gollee Henrik; Goljar Imre; Hunt Kenneth J
Dynamic balance training with sensory electrical stimulation in chronic stroke patients
2006 ►
Klopčič-Spevak Milica
Vertebrogena bolečina: segmentna nevromioterapija miofascialne bolečine - segmentna desenzitizacija
[Segmental neuromyotherapy of myofascial pain - segmental desenzitization]
2006 ►
Kawanishi Tsutomu; Kanoh Shin'ichiro; Cikajlo Imre; Futami Ryoko
Development of EMG-driven type lower limb FES control system
2004 ►
Sedej Bogdana; Kos Nataša
Medicinska rehabilitacija bolnika s kronično rano
2006 ►
Fornezzi Špela; Savić Lidija; Horvat Tatjana
Fizioterapija pri parezi brahialnega pleteža: predstavitev primera
2006 ►
Trošt Maja
Dystonia update
2003 ►
Bošnjak Dragica
Spodbujeni živec umirja napade in lajša življenje: prvič pri nas z novo metodo proti epilepsiji
2005 ►
Lukanovič Adolf
Uhajanje urina je mogoče pozdraviti
2001 ►
Futami R; Seki K; Kawanishi T; Sugiyama T; Cikajlo I; Handa Y
Application of local EMG-driven FES to incompletely paralyzed lower extremities
2005 ►
Cikajlo I; Obreza P; Šavrin R; Matjačić Z; Bajd T
Postural balance improvement using dermotome electrical stimulation therapy in incomplete SCI patients
2005 ►
Anonymous ;
Conference proceedings of the 10th annual conference of the international functional electrical stimulation society; 2005 Jul 5-8; Montreal
2005 ►
Marinček Črt; Burger H
Functional electrical stimulation
2004 ►
Šćepanović Darija
Urinska inkontinenca in pljučne bolezni
[Urinary incontinence and respiratory problems]
2003 ►
Rener-Primec Zvonka
Zdravljenje trdovratnih epilepsij s spodbujevalnikom vagusnega živca
2005 ►
Cikajlo Imre; Matjačić Zlatko; Bajd Tadej; Futami Ryoko
Sensory supported FES control in gait training of incomplete spinal cord injury persons
2005 ►
Matjačić Zlatko; Rusjan Špela; Stanonik Irena; Goljar Nika; Olenšek Andrej
Methods for dynamic balance training during standing and stepping
2005 ►
Šarabon Nejc
Učinki proprioceptivnega in eksteroceptivnega dotoka na funkcijsko stanje motoričnega korteksa pri človeku
2005 ►
Bajd Tadej
Uporaba kognitivne povratne zanke pri urjenju hoje s funkcionalno električno stimulacijo
[Use of cognitive feedback in training of walking with functional electrical stimulation]
2005 ►
Strojnik Tadej; Chudy Darko; Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
Stimulacija hrbtnega mozga za kronično neobvladljivo bolečino
[Spinal cord stimulation for chronic intractable pain]
2005 ►
Čelan Dušan; Jesenšek-Papež Breda; Lonzarić Dragan
Strokovna in racionalna fizikalna terapija v rehabilitacijski obravnavi bolnikov s periferno okvaro obraznega živca
2005 ►
Štefančič Martin
Kaj pričakujemo od električne stimulacije pri perifernih živčnih lezijah?
2005 ►
Turk Zmago
Fizikalna medicina in rehabilitacija
2004 ►
But Igor; Faganelj Metka; Šoštarič Andrej
Functional magnetic stimulation for mixed urinary incontinence
2005 ►
Rozman Janez; Ribarič Samo; Bunc Matjaž; Drevenšek Gorazd
Modulation of a dog's internal organ function by selective stimulation of the splanchnic nerve
2005 ►
Vrabl Živan
Oblike invazivnega zdravljenja kronične bolečine
2004 ►
Pregelj Peter; Sketelj Janez
Phasic muscle activation pattern and calcineurin inhibition increase acetylcholinesterase expression in the slow soleus muscle of the rat
2004 ►
Cukjati David; Šavrin Rajmond
Electric current wound healing
2004 ►
Rosch Paul J; Markov Marko S
Bioelectromagnetic medicine
2004 ►
Strojnik Tadej
Nevrostimulacija v zdravljenju neobvladljive bolečine: v mariborski bolnišnici smo začeli s stimulacijo hrbtenjače bolnikov s hudo kronično bolečino
2004 ►
Eržen Ida
Plasticity of skeletal muscle studied by stereology
2004 ►
Lukanovič Adolf
Will new drugs make surgery obsolete
2004 ►
Šćepanović Darija
Office urogynecology
2004 ►
Cikajlo I; Matjačić Z; Bajd T; Futami R; Hoshimiya N
Sensory supported FES control in gait training of incomplete SCI persons
2004 ►
Rozman Janez; Bunc Matjaž
Modulation of visceral function by selective stimulation of the left vagus nerve in dogs
2004 ►
Rozman J; Mihić M; Bunc M; Princi T
Modulation of PH in the stommach of a dog by selective stimulation of the left vagus nerve
2004 ►
Bijak Manfred; Mayr Winfried; Pichler Melita
Proceedings of the 8th Vienna international workshop on functional electrical stimulation; 2004 Sep 10-13; Vienna
2004 ►
Rozman J; Krajnik J; Gregorič M
Selective stimulation of the common peroneal nerve for hemiplegia: long-term clinical follow-up
2004 ►
Mlakar M; Burgar M; Burger H
The most frequent problems in rehabilitation of children using myoelectric prostheses - a prosthetist's prospective
2004 ►
Cikajlo I; Matjačić Z; Bajd T
Control of the functional electrical stimulation in treadmill rehabilitation
2004 ►
Dimitrijević MR; Minassian K; Persy I
What does the human brain tell to the spinal cord to generate standing and walking?
2004 ►
Zupan Anton
Rehabilitation programs for people with neuromuscular disorders
[Program rehabilitacije za bolnike z živčno-mišičnimi boleznimi]
2004 ►
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