biomedicina slovenica |
"Gamma rays" : 30
Žager Marciuš Valerija
Zaznavanje naravnih zemeljskih radioaktivnih izotopov na daljavo
2004 ►
Kovač Simon; Trebše Rihard; Berce Aleš; Milošev Ingrid
Umetni kolčni sklepi z obremenilnim sklopom kovina-na-polietilen
[Total hip replacements with metal-on-polyethylene bearings]
2009 ►
Mikloš Morana; Gajski Goran; Garaj-Vrhovac Vera
Usage of the standard and modified comet assay in assessment of DNA damage in human lymphocytes after exposure to ionizing radiation
[Primerjava standardnega in modificiranega testa komet pri ugotavljanju poškodb DNA na humanih limfocitih po izpostavitvi ionizirajočemu sevanju]
2009 ►
Hribar S; Rauter A; Štrancar J; Pavlica Z; Petelin M
Ureditev hidroksiapatitnih kristalov v dentinu
[Arrangement of hydroxyapatite crystals in dentine]
2009 ►
Affonseca M; Andreo P; Arib M; Bjerke H; Casar B; Czap L; Duane S; Ferreira IH; Grindborg J-E; Hartmann GH
Implementation of the international code of practice on dosimetry in radiotheraphy (TRS 398): review of testing results
2005 ►
Vrtačnik D; Križaj D; Mali T; Čašar B; Resnik D; Aljančič U; Možek M; Amon S
Influence of radiation on characteristics of FOXFET biased silicon microstrip detector
2001 ►
Garaj-Vrhovac Vera; Zeljezić Davor
Comet assay in the assessment of the human genome damage induced by gamma-radiation in vitro
[Test komet in vitro pri ocenjevanju poškodbe človeškega genoma po obsevanju z žarki gama]
2004 ►
Pirc-Ćurić Emilija
Poklicna izpostavljenost nizkim dozam ionizirajočih sevanj
[Occupational exposure to low level of radiation]
2002 ►
Fidler Valentin
Current trends in diagnostic nuclear medicine instrumentation
[Razvojni trendi v nuklearnomedicinski instrumentaciji]
2000 ►
Skalerič Uroš; Cevc Pavle; Gašpirc Boris; Schara Milan
Crystallite arrangement of hydroxyapatite microcrystals in human tooth cementum as revealed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
1998 ►
Rihar G; Rant J; Stade J; Kaling M
Application of imaging plates in the radiographic examination of welded joints
1997 ►
Paradiž J; Druškovič B; Škrk J; Lovka M
Root tip micronucleus assay in irradiated plants
1997 ►
Rant J; Nemec T; Rihar G; Stade J; Kaling M
Imaging plates in radiography with neutrons, X-rays and electrons
1997 ►
el-Khatib EE; Podgoršak EB; Pla C
Broad beam and narrow beam attenuation in Lipowitz's metal
1987 ►
Gunde-Cimerman N; Cimerman A
Aspergillus niger mutants for bioconversion of apple distillery wastes
1986 ►
Mljač L
Izpostavljenost prebivalstva Šaleške doline ionizirajočim sevanjem
[Exposure of the inhabitants of Šalek valley to ionizing radiation]
1993 ►
Paradiž J; Druškovič B; Škrk J; Lovka M
Onion root tip cell system for biodosimetry?
1996 ►
Paradiž J; Gaberščik A; Škrk J
The influence of gamma radiation on the growth and development of the onion (Allium cepa L.)
1995 ►
Xuefeng Z; Lisheng G; Kaicheng T; Liufang M; Changqin Y
The stereological study of age-related effects in rat thyroids after gamma-ray irradiation
1994 ►
Vaupotič J; Križman M; Planinič J; Pezdič J; Adamič K; Stegnar P; Kobal I
Systematic indoor radon and gamma measurements in kindergartens and play schools in Slovenia
1994 ►
Podgoršak EB; Souhami L
Radiosurgery: a review of physical aspects
1992 ►
Nothig-Laslo V; Horvath L; Bilinski H
Oxalate molecule as the trap for gamma-irradiation energy in the amorphous aluminosilicate A12(OH)6H4SiO4
1990 ►
Osmak M
Repeated doses of gamma rays induce resistance to N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine in Chinese hamster cells
1988 ►
Wikerhauser T; Kutičić V; Ražem D
A comparative study of the effect of gamma-irradiation on the infectivity of three different isolates of Toxoplasma gondii cysts in murine brains
1991 ►
Zwitter M
Osnove radioterapije
1991 ►
Osmak M; Vukelić Ž; Francetić B; Petrović D; Ferle-Vidović A; Baketić L
Multiple irradiations with gamma rays change the sensitivity of mammalian cells to chemotherapeutic drugs
1990 ►
Bašić-čabaravdić H; Drljević A; Strinić S; Mušanović M; Radović F
Kompjuterizirana tomografija u određivanju tretmanskog volumena kod zračenja karcinoma dojke
[Computed tomography (CT) in the determination of the treatment volume in irradiation of breast cancer]
1990 ►
Andrić S; Bistrović M; Cevc P; Spasić V; Vujnić V
Osnovne preporuke za dozimetriju X-zračenja 40kV - 40MV, gama-zračenja 60Co i 137Cs i elektrona 4 - 40MeV
[Basic recommendations for the dosimetry of 40kV - 40MV X-rays, 60Co and 137Cs gama-rays and 4-40MeV electrons]
1989 ►
Duraković A; Duraković Z
Promjene bilijarne kinetike nakon zračenja jetre gama-zrakama
[Biliary alterations after gamma-irradiation of the liver]
1988 ►
Duraković A; Duraković Z
Studije funkcije srca nakon akutnog zračenja prekordija gama zrakama
[Heart function studies in dogs after acute gamma irradiation of the precordium]
1988 ►
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Inštitut za biostatistiko in medicinsko informatiko