biomedicina slovenica |
dr="Južna Afrika" : 83
Faulmann Tayla Sasha; Myburgh Kathryn H.; Pirkmajer Sergej
Neuromuscular junction endplate morphology, acetylcholine receptor aggregation and accessory protein co-localisation during regeneration of a skeletal muscle crush injury
2019 ►
Kirn Borut
Post -discharge e-learning platform for cardiac patients
2019 ►
Pavlič Renata; Vidic Suzana; Sinreih Maša; Knific Tamara; Frković-Grazio Snježana; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
Altered levels of ABC, OATP and OST transporters may contribute to enhanced E[sub]2 formation in endometrial cancer
2018 ►
Abstract book
2018 ►
Abryn M.; Poljak Mario; Mejjer C.; Cuschieri Kate S.; Heard Isabelle; Bogers Johannes; Bonde J.; Tommasino M.; Ifner T.; Sasieni P.
Update of the list of HPV assays that fulfill requirements for primary cervical cancer screening
2017 ►
Félez - Sánchez M.; de Sanjosé Silvia; Faber M. T.; Munk C.; Acera A.; Riera - Socasaus J. C.; Lehtinen Matti; Clavel Christine; Graesslin O.; Poljak Mario
Multinational study assessing the acceptability and determinants of compliance to HPV vaccination to women in screening ages 25 - 45 years
2017 ►
Winer R.; Cherne S.; Staheli JP; Poljak Mario; Lin J.; Feng Q.
Prevalence of alpha - , beta - , and gamma - papillomavirus types in fingernail samples from mid - adult women
2017 ►
Faust Helena; Artemchuk H.; Triglav Tina K.; Oštrbenk Anja; Poljak Mario; Dillner J.
Cumulative HPV seroprevalence in serial samples and concordance with HPV DNA detection
2017 ►
Artemchuk H.; Triglav Tina K.; Oštrbenk Anja; Elfström K. Miriam; Faust Helena; Poljak Mario; Dillner J.
Effect of serum antibodies against human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) on HPV16 infections
2017 ►
Oštrbenk Anja; Šterbenc Anja; Seme Katja; Bertram A.; Gröning A.; Poljak Mario
Comparison of Abbott Real Time high risk HPV test and Roche cobas 4800 HPV test in population - based cervical cancer screening setting
2017 ►
Oštrbenk Anja; Seme Katja; Arbyn Marc; Poljak Mario
Head - to - head comparison of the Anyplex II HPV HR detection and the Hybrid Capture 2 in the Valgent - 3 framework
2017 ►
Cornall A. M.; Phillips S.; Poljak Mario; Garland S. M.; Atchison S.; Machalek D. A.; Roberts J. M.; Templeton D. J.; Poynten I. M.; Hillman John R.
Comparison of the performance of HPV assays for predicting anal high grad e disease from anal cytology specimens
2017 ►
Xu L.; Oštrbenk Anja; Poljak Mario; Arbyn Marc
Assessment of Roche linear array hpv genotyping test using the VALGENT framework
2017 ►
Šterbenc Anja; Hošnjak Lea; Giri Adriana A.; Chouhy Diego; Bolatti Elisa; Poljak Mario
Genetic var iability of mupapillomavirus types HPV1, HPV63 and HPV204
2017 ►
Hošnjak Lea; Kocjan Boštjan; Pirš Branko; Seme Katja; Poljak Mario
The prevalence, tissu e tropism and genetic diversity of human papillomavirus types from the species gammapapillomavirus 15
2017 ►
Šterbenc Anja; Kmet Ines; Hošnjak Lea; Chen Zigui; Burk Robert D.; Seme Katja; Fujs Komloš Kristina; Zidar Nina; Gale Nina; Poljak Mario
Genetic variability of HPV16 E6, E7 and LCR genomic regions in anogenital and head and neck samples
2017 ►
Hošnjak Lea; Kocjan Boštjan; Hošnjak Lea; Staheli JP; Dyen M. R.; Ducore R. M.; Colgin L. M. A.; Lewis A. D.; Poljak Mario
Molecular characterization of a novel macaca fus cata papillomavirus type 1 isolated from oral squamous cell carcinoma of a Japanese macaque
2017 ►
HPV 2017
2017 ►
Gale Nina
Squamous intraepithelial lesions in laryngeal carcinogenesis
2012 ►
Sedani S; Brennan C; Peppercom AF; Vouk Katja; Heitman CK; Steel HM
Zanamivir aqueous solution for treatment of influenza in a compassionate use program
2013 ►
2013 ►
Sedmak Bojan; Ding Yi; Song Lirong
Increased UVB radiation in temperate and tropical latitudes - potential selective factor favoring the dominance of hepatotoxic Cyanobacterial blooms
2013 ►
Official programme and abstract book
2013 ►
Bertoncelj Irena; Dolman Paul
Spatial dynamics of ground beetle assemblage in a mosaic fragmented landscape
2008 ►
Urbanič Gorazd; Petkovska Vesna
Assessment of the hydromorphological degradation impact on benthic invertebrates in Mediterranean rivers in Slovenia
2010 ►
Anonymous ;
Abstracts of the 31st Congress of SIL - International Society of Limnology; 2010 Aug 15-20; Cape Town, South Africa
2010 ►
Zadravec T; Grad O; Zavasnik A
Moral, sociological or medical explanation of suicidal behaviour?
2005 ►
Grad O
Suicide of a patient - what do we need?
2005 ►
Anonymous ;
Scaling the summit - preventing suicidal behaviour in diverse cultures. Final programme and book of abstracts of the 23 World congress IASP International association for suicide prevention; 2005 Sep 13-16; Durban
2005 ►
Petričević N; Čelebić A; Rener-Sitar K
1-year longitudinal study of quality of life oucomes in patients with different prosthodontic therapies
2009 ►
Anonymous ;
Conference Program of the 13th Biennial Meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists; 2009 Sep 10-13; Cape Town
2009 ►
Franko A; Arnerić N; Dolžan V; Dodič-Fikfak M
The Influence of Manganese and Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase Genotypes on the Development of Asbestosis
2009 ►
Anonymous ;
Occupational health: A Basic Right at Work - An Asset to Society. 29th ICOH, International Congress on Occupational Health; 2009 Mar 22-27; Cape Town
2009 ►
Pohar-Perme Maja; Stare Janez; Henderson Robin
Goodness of fit in relative survival regression
2009 ►
Anonymous ;
Abstracts of the 57th session of the international statistical institute; 2009 Aug 16-22; Durban
2009 ►
Zimšek-Mijovski J; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Steyer A; Barlič-Maganja D
Emerging human-like calciviruses in domestic animals
2008 ►
Anonymous ;
Workshop programme and abstracts of the 14th international bioinformatics workshop on virus evolution and molecular epidemiology; 2008 Sep 1-5; Cape Town
2008 ►
Anonymous ;
ICE 2008. Programme and exhibitor directory of the 22nd international congress of entomology; 2008 Jul 6-12; Durban
2008 ►
Žunič Alenka; Čokl Andrej; Virant-Doberlet Meta; Millar Jocelyn G
Vibrational communication in the predaceous spines soldier bug Podisus maculiventris (Say) (Pentatomidae: Asopinae)
2008 ►
Živčec-Kalan G
The effect of new medical licensing rules on CME in Slovenia
2001 ►
Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda; Virant-Klun Irma; Verdenik Ivan
GNRH antagonists and RFSH stimulation protocol is very effective in PCOS patients
2007 ►
Jančar Nina; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda
The effect of reactive oxygen species production in granulosa cells on IVF outcome
2007 ►
Anonymous ;
Abstract book of the 19th world congress on fertility and sterility; 2007 Apr 29 - May 3; Durban
2007 ►
Anonymous ;
Abstracts and programme of the 5th world congress of herpetology; 2005 Jun 19-24; Stellenbosch, South Africa
2005 ►
Gorički S; Trontelj P
Genetic differentiation of the European cave salamander Proteus anguinus (Proteidae)
2005 ►
Žorž G
Change of medical student attitude
2001 ►
Žorž G
Use of PRIME-MD in primary care
2001 ►
Vatovec-Progar I; Kersnik J
The impact of privatisation of health care services on patient satisfaction
2001 ►
Bulc M; Kersnik J
Home visit in family practice patients in Slovenia
2001 ►
Živčec-Kalan G; Ropret T; Kersnik J
Patient satisfaction in family practice patients with diverse ethnic backgrounds
2001 ►
Anonymous ;
Family medicine the leading edge. Abstract bookof the 16th world congress of family doctors; 2001 May 13-17; Durban
2001 ►
Steyer Andrej; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Barlič-Maganja Darja; Jamnikar Uroš; Zimšek-Mijovski Janet; Marin Jožica
A new rotavirus genotype P found in the stool of an asymptomatic pig in Slovenia
2006 ►
Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Steyer Andrej; Barlič-Maganja Darja; Jamnikar Uroš; Zimšek-Mijovski Janet; Marin Jožica
Similarity between human and animal rotavirus strains in Slovenia
2006 ►
Anonymous ;
Programme and abstracts of the 9th dsRNA virus symposium; 2006 Oct 21-26; Cape Town
2006 ►
Grgič Tanja; Kos Ivan
Centipede diversity in patches of different development phases in an unevenly-aged beech forest stand in Slovenia
2003 ►
Rakovec S; Alikadič N; Smrke D
Efficacy of ZYVOX (linezolid) in the treatment of resistant gram-positive infections
2003 ►
Anonymous ;
Final programme and abstracts of the 23rd international vongress of chemotherapy; 2003 Jun 7-9; Durban
2003 ►
Kompan Lidija; Jošt Ivan
Significance of intramucosal arterial PCO2GAP: measurement in multiple trauma patients
2003 ►
Anonymous ;
International trauma congress; 2003 Jun 11-14; Durban
2003 ►
Cimerman M; Coer A; Čeh M
Microstructural investigations of implant/bone interface between hydroxylapatite-coated and uncoated shanz pins implanted into sheep femora
2002 ►
Štrus J; Kostanjšek R; Tušek M
ATPase activity in the hindgut of the woodlouse Porcellio scaber during the moult cycle
2002 ►
Kostanjšek Rok; Žnidaršič Nada; Štrus Jasna
Bacteria in a digestive system of the woodlouse Porcellio scaber
2002 ►
Soukup T; Zacharova G; Jirmanova I; Vadaszova A; Smerdu V; Asmussen G
Expression of muscle phenotype in altered thyroid status
2002 ►
Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Zimšek J; Šest I
Electron microscopy in routine viral diagnosis in Slovenia
2002 ►
Romih R; Jezernik K; Tršinar B
Immunolocalisation of uroplakins and inducible NOS (iNOS) in urothelium of obstructed human bladder
2002 ►
Sewell Trevor
ICEM-15. Proceedings of the 15th international congress on electron microscopy. Vol 2. Life sciences; 2002 Sep 1-6; Durban
2002 ►
Blejec Andrej
Teaching statistical concepts with simulated data
2002 ►
Phillips Brian; Busija Lucy
ICOTS 6. Developing a statistically literate society. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on teaching statistics; 2002 Jul 7-12; Cape Town
2002 ►
Grgič Tanja; Kos Ivan
Centipede biodiversity on patches of different development phases in uneven-aged beech forest stand
2002 ►
Kos Ivan
The role of centipedes (Myriapoda: Chilopoda) in the biocenosis of a xerophilic meadow
2002 ►
Anonymous ;
12th international congress of myriapodology; 2002 Jul 29 - Aug 2; Mtunzini
2002 ►
Smolar-Žvanut N; Vrhovšek D
Evaluation and application of environmental flows for running waters in Slovenia
2002 ►
Anonymous ;
Environmental flows for river systems. Abstracts of the 4th international ecohydraulics symposium; 2002 Mar 3-8; Cape Town
2002 ►
Urlep-Šalinović V; Delajlila M
The detection of parvovirus B19 in voluntary blood donors
1999 ►
Rožman P; Telebak T; Delajlija M
Automation of crossmatching in transfusion laboratory
1999 ►
Anonymous ;
ASBT programme and additional abstracts from 15th meeting of the international society of haematology: African and European division; 1999 Sep 18-23; Durban, South Africa
1999 ►
Vogler A
Could minimal invasive-access surgery be even less invasive?
1998 ►
Vogler A; Omahen A; Ribič-Pucelj M; Tomaževič T
Endoscopic treatment of less common ectopic pregnancies
1998 ►
Ribič-Pucelj M; Tomaževič T
Transvaginosonographic detection of uterine malformations and its impact on metroplasty
1998 ►
Ribič-Pucelj M; Tomaževič T; Meden-Vrtovec H
Transcervical resection of submucous fibroids - GnRH analogues (zoladex) VS danazol (danoval) in preoperative treatment
1998 ►
Anonymous ;
Endoscopy: progress towards the new millenium. Book of abstracts of the 7th annual meeting of the International society for gynaecologic endoscopy; 1998 Mar 15-18; Sun City, South Africa
1998 ►
Stare Janez; Heinzl Harald
Behaviour of the Buckley and James estimator under misspecified model
1998 ►
Anonymous ;
IBC 98. Abstracts of contributed papers of the 19th international biometric conference; 1998 Dec 14-18; Cape Town
1998 ►
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