biomedicina slovenica |
re="Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Pannon Adriat" : 583
Oštrbenk Anja; Škamperle Mateja; Poljak Mario
Citation analysis of Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica et Adriatica: 1992-2011
2012 ►
Husein-ElAhmed H; Hernandez-Soriano MI; Aneiros-Cachaza J; Ruiz-Carrascosa JC; Naranjo-Sintes R
Ulceration of the scalp: lipogranuloma induced by industrial oils in an interior decorator
2011 ►
Morais P; Baudrier T; Santos A; Mota A; Duarte AF; Ventura J; Azevedo F
Parallel development and course of pheochromocytoma and giant squamous cell carcinoma of the leg: a new paraneoplastic syndrome?
2011 ►
Badri T; Hawilo AM; Benmously R; Fenniche S; Mokhtar I
Acitretin-induced pyogenic granuloma
2011 ►
Milobratović D; Vukićević J
Localized Darier's disease
2011 ►
Song JE; Krunic AL
A rare variant of generalized granuloma annulare presenting with chronic Epstein-Barr virus infection: coincidence or association?
2011 ►
Fernandez-Flores A; Rodriguez-Prado N
An ulcerated lesion due to HSV-2 infection with a CD56+ cell predominant inflammatory infiltrate
2011 ►
Alzolibani AA
Epidemiologic and genetic characteristics of alopecia areata: (part 1)
2011 ►
Sadeghian G; Ziaei H; Nilforoushzadeh MA
Treatment of localized psoriasis with a topical formulation of zinc pyrithione
2011 ►
Hočevar-Boltežar I; Šereg- Bahar M; Žargi M; Gale N; Poljak M
Adjuvant therapy for laryngheal papillomatosis
2011 ►
Cardesa A; Nadal A
Carcinoma of the head and neck in the HPV era
2011 ►
Fujs-Komloš K; Kocjan BJ; Šterbenc A; Jelen MM; Seme K; Košorok P; Poljak M
Genomic distribution of beta papillomaviruses in single eyebrow hair samples and pools of eyebrow hair samples
2011 ►
Cardoso J C; Calonje E
Cutaneous manifestations of human papillomaviruses: A review
2011 ►
Fujš-Komloš K; Kocjan BJ; Košorok P; Rus T; Toplak J; Bunič M; Poljak M
Distribution of HPV genotypes in Slovenian patients with anal carcinoma: preliminary results
2011 ►
Bogovac Ž; Lunar MM; Kocjan BJ; Seme K; Jančar N; Poljak M
Prevalence of HPV-16 genomic variant carrying a 63-bp duplicated sequence within the E1 gene in Slovenian women
2011 ►
Lax S
Histopathology of cervical precursor lesions and cancer
2011 ►
Burk RD; Chen Z; Harari A; Smith BC; Kocjan BJ; Maver PJ; Poljak M
Classification and nomenclature system for Human Alphapapillomavirus variants: general features, nucletide landmarks an assignment of HPV6 and HPV11 isolates to variant lineages
2011 ►
?a ;
2011 ►
Najem N; Zadeh VB
Letter to the editor: allergic contact dermatitis to black henna
2011 ►
Majewski S; Nawrocka A; Wydrzynska A; Owczarek W; Schwartz R A
Nodular Kaposi's sarcoma associated with colon cancer
2011 ►
Yaghoobi R; Razi T; Feily ;
Clinical image: An unusual pigmented basal cell carcinoma arising from vulva
2011 ►
Badri T; Ben-Jennet S; Fenniche S; Benmously R; Mokhtar I; Hammami H
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome in a child
2011 ►
Bartoš V; Pokorny D; Zacharova O; Haluska P; Doboszova J; Kullova M; Adamicova K; Peč M; Peč J
Reccurent basal cell carcinoma: A clinicopathological study and evaluation of histomorphological findings in primary and recurrent lesions
2011 ►
Santos VM; Santos SC; Nogueira PRM Jr; Borges NMF
Erysipelas in the elderly: Are the concerns and economic burden increasing? Apropos of a case
2011 ►
Bartenjev I; Oremović L; Rogl-Butina M; Sjerobabski-Masnec I; Bouloc A; Voda K; Šitum M
Topical effectiveness of a cosmetic skincare treatment for acne-prone skin: A clinical study
2011 ►
Sharifian M; Sari-Aslani F; Hemmatinejad B; Fallahzadeh MK; Kasraee B; Khoshandish MJ; Miri R; Mohammadi-Samani S; Jowkar F; Namazi MR
D-penicillamine, a potent melanogenesis inhibitor; lacks any depigmenting effect on black guinea pig skin: The first randomized, evalutor-blinded, vehicle-controlled, in vivo study
2011 ►
Starbek-Zorko Mateja
Paraneoplastične dermatoze v starosti
[Paraneoplastic dermatoses of the elderly]
2011 ►
Demšar Jasmina; Lunder Tomaž
Ekcem pri starostnikih
[Eczema in the elderly]
2011 ►
Pirš Branko
Melanom pri starostniku
[Melanoma in the eldery]
2011 ►
Benedičič A
Aktinične keratoze - pregled možnosti zdravljenja
[Actinic keratoses: a review of treatment options]
2011 ►
Mervic Liljana
Nemelanomski rak kože
[Non-melanoma skin cancer]
2011 ►
Grebenšek Nataša
Benigni kožni tumorji
[Benign skin tumors]
2011 ►
Fošnarič Lidija; Žuran Ivan; Benedičič Ana
Multidisciplinarna obravnava bolnikov z boleznijo ven spodnjih okončin - primer dobre prakse
[Multidisciplinary management of patients with cronic venous disease of the legs: a case of good practice]
2011 ►
Kecelj-Leskovec Nada
Golenja razjeda pri starostnikih zaradi žilnih bolezni
[Leg ulcers in older persons due to vascular diseases]
2011 ►
Bergant-Suhadolčan Aleksandra; Slana Ana
Pogoste dermatoze na golenih pri starejših
[Frequent shin dermatoses among the elderly]
2011 ►
Tlaker-Žunter Vesna
Posebnosti pogostejših okužb kože pri starejših
[Distinctive features of some fequent skin infections in the elderly]
2011 ►
Točkova Olga; Preveden Ružica
Pomen primerne nege kože starostnika
[The importance of skin care in the elderly]
2011 ►
Stojanovič Larisa; Marš Tomaž
Kožne spremembe pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo
[Skin manifestations in diabetic patients]
2011 ►
Balkovec Valerija
Kožne spremembe pri bolezni ledvic in jeter
[Skin changes in renal and liver diseases]
2011 ►
Dugonik Aleksandra; Kalač-Pandurovič Maja
Kožne sistemske reakcije pri starostniku
[Systemic skin reactions among the elderly]
2011 ►
Omejc-Demšar Lucija; Dolenc-Voljč Mateja
Pruritus pri starostnikih
[Pruritus in the elderly]
2011 ►
Planinšek-Ručigaj T
Vzroki za otekanje goleni pri starejših osebah
[Causes of lower-limb edema in the elderly]
2011 ►
Bulc M; Klančar D
Starostnik s kožno boleznijo in zdravnik družinske medicine
[The elderly with skin problems in family practice]
2011 ►
Akkari H; Buossofara L; Saidi W; Ghariani N; Sriha B; Belajouza C; Denguezli M; Nouira R
Bilateral idiopathic hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola
2011 ►
Torres T; Fernandes I; Sanches M; Selores M
Foscarnet-induced penile ulceration
2011 ►
Bagher-Zadeh V; Najem N; El-Sayed-Hanafy M
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum-like papillary dermal elastolysis
2011 ►
Badri T; Kenani N; Benmously R; Debbiche A; Mokhtar I; Fenniche S
Isolated genital annular lichen planus
2011 ►
Broshtilova V; Bardarov E; Kazandijeva J; Marina S
Tufted hair folliculitis: a case report and literature review
2011 ►
Torres T; Fernandes I; Costa V; Selores M
Photodynamic therapy as adjunctive therapy for morpheaform basal cell carcinoma
2011 ►
Bali G; Schwantzer G; Aberer F; Kraenke B; Aberer E
Discontinuing long-term iloprost treatment for Raynaud's phenomenon and systemic sclerosis: a single-center, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study
2011 ►
Kotnik V
Complement in skin diseases
2011 ►
Moesges R; Ritter B; Kayoko G; Allekotte S; Passali D
Erratum to: Carbymylated monomeric allergoids as a therapeutic option for sublingual immunotherapy of dust mite- and grass pollen-induced allergic rhinoconjuctivitis: a systematic review of published trials with a meta-analysis of treatment using Lais tablets
2010 ►
Tomkova H; Vankova L; Pock L; Šternbersky J
Segmental Darier's disease postpartum and following tubal ligation
2010 ►
Gatti A; di Meo N; Trevisan G
Dermoscopy of eccrine acrospiroma masquerading as nodular malignant melanoma
2010 ►
Ozaslan E; Purnak T; Senel E
Facial petechiae as a complication of diagnostic endoscopy
2010 ►
Manousaridis I; Loeser C; Goerdt S; Hassel JC
Managing scleromyxedema with intravenous immunoglobulin: acute worsening of scleromyxedema with biclonal gammopathy
2010 ►
Ascari-Raccagni A; Dondas A; Righini MG; Trevisan G
A skin helix flap to correct circular skin loss on the nasal ala
2010 ►
van de Vijver DAMC; Wensing AMJ; Asjo B; Bruckova L; Bruun-Jorgensen L; Camacho R; Horban A; Linka M; Lazanas M; Poljak M
HIV-1 drug-resistance patterns among patients on failing treatment in a large numver of European countries
2010 ►
Breznik V; Potočnik M; Miljković J
Papulonodular secondary syphilis in a 52-year-old non-HIV heterosexual patioent
2010 ►
Preveden R
Akutna generalizirana eksantemska pustuloza (AGEP) - prikaz primera
[Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) - case report]
2010 ►
Gorenšek-Ul K; Kecelj-Leskovec N
Kožni znaki sistemskih okužb in internih malignih obolenj
[Skin signs of systemic infections and internal malignant diseases]
2010 ►
Virnik-Kovač L; Dolenc-Voljč M
Neglivične bolezni nohtov
[Non-fungal nail disorders]
2010 ►
Kecelj-Leskovec N
Okužena razjeda
[Infected ulcer]
2010 ►
Planinšek-Ručigaj T; Stopajnik N
Tromboflebitis - nujna napotitev?
[Thrombophlebitis - urgent refferal?]
2010 ►
Potočnik Marko
Razjeda na spolovilu
[Genital ulcer disease]
2010 ►
Murnik-Rauh Andreja
Izcedek iz sečnice
[Urethral discharge]
2010 ►
Lunder T
Zdravljenje hudih oblik luskavice z biološkimi zdravili
[Treatment of severe forms of psoriasis with biologics]
2010 ►
Gabrič-Zirkelbach M
Avtoimunske bulozne kožne bolezni
[Autoimmune bullous diseases]
2010 ►
Pirš B
Dermatoze v nosečnosti
[Dermatoses of pregnancy]
2010 ►
Lunder T
Hude alergijske reakcije na barve za lase
[Severe allergic reactions to hair dyes]
2010 ►
Bergant-Suhodolčan A; Kecelj-Leskovec N
Sindrom Stevens-Johnson
[Stevens-Johnson syndrome]
2010 ►
Rupnik H
Diferencialna diagnostika angioedema
[Differential diagnosis of angioedema]
2010 ►
Bartenjev I
Kožni rak - stopnja nujnosti napotitve k dermatologu
[Skin cancer - degree of urgency for expert evaluation]
2010 ►
Kralj B
Znamenje - nujni pregled?
[Nevus - urgent refferal?]
2010 ►
Šmuc-Berger K
Analiza nujnih napotitev v Dermatovenerološko ambulanto Splošne bolnišnice Izola
[Analysis of urgent referrals to Outpatient Clinic of Dermatovenerology, General Hospital Izola]
2010 ►
Benedičič A; Bajc B
Perioralni dermatitis
[Dermatitis perioralis]
2010 ►
Benedičič A; Planinšek-Ručigaj T
Indikacije za nujno napotitev v dermatološko ambulanto
[Indication for urgent referral to dermatologist]
2010 ►
Tirado-Sanchez A; Ponce-Olivera RM
ABO and Rhesus blood groups and their non-existent relationship with pemphigus vulgaris
2010 ►
Badri T; Hammami H; Benmously R; Mokhtar I; Fenniche S
Dermoscopic diagnosis of pediculosis capitis
2010 ►
Feily A; Pazyar N; Rafaeie E; Khazanee A; Namazi MR
An unusually large squamous cell carcinoma mass arising from the lower lip
2010 ►
Zegarska B; Kallas D; Schwartz RA; Czajkowski R; Uchanska G; Placek W
Graham-little syndrome
2010 ►
Popov Y; Nikolov R; Lalova A
Localized eczema herpeticum with unilateral ocular involvement
2010 ►
Dervis E; Demirkesen C
Kaposi's sarcoma in a patient with psoriasis vulgaris
2010 ►
Morais P; Ferreira O; Bettencourt H; Azevedo F
Segmental neurofibromatosis: a rare variant of a common genodermatosis
2010 ►
Yazdanyar S; Miller IM; Jemec GBE
Hidradenitis suppurativa and Crohn's disease: two cases that support an association
2010 ►
Pižem J; Vizjak A; Tomšič M; Luzar B
Widespread vesiculobullous eruption in a 16-year-old male
2010 ►
Fernandez-Flores A; Valerdiz S
Study of the immunoexpression of Bcl-2 by a cutaneous granular cell tumor
2010 ►
Moesges R; Ritter B; Kayoko G; Allekotte S
Carbamylated monomeric allergoids as a therapeutic option for sublingual immunotherapy of dust mite - amd grass pollen-induced allergic rhinoconjuctivitis: a systematic review of published trials with a meta-analysis of treatment using Lais tablets
2010 ►
Miljković Jovan
Pojavi na koži pri levkocitoklastičnem vaskulitisu
[Clinical manifestations of cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis]
2010 ►
Marko Pij B
Makulopapulozni medikamentozni eksantem
[Maculopapular drug eruptions]
2010 ►
Marovt M; Kokol R; Stanimirović A; Miljković J
Cutaneous leishmaniasis: a case report
2010 ►
Dolenc-Voljč M; Žolnir-Dovč M
Delayed diagnosis of Mycobacterium marinum infection: a case report and review of the literature
2010 ►
Mebazaa A; Denguezli M; Ghariani N; Sriha B; Belajouza C; Nouira R
Actinic lichen planus of unusual presentation
2010 ►
Wollina U; Schoenlebe J
Giant keratoacanthoma-like cutaneous horn of the upper leg: a case report
2010 ►
Nečas M; Vašku V
Ustekinumab in the treatment of severe rupioid psoriasis: a case report
2010 ►
Zegarska B; Jozwicki W; Zegarski W; Czajkowski R
Histopathological lesions in differentn types of skin aging
2010 ►
Kerkeni N; Zaraa I; Ayachi J; El Euch D; Mokni M; Ben Osman A
Behçet's disease: a profile of mucocutaneous features
2010 ►
Štabuc-Šilih M; Stražišar M; Ravnik-Glavač M; Hawlina M; Glavač D
Genetics and clinical characteristics of keratoconus
2010 ►
Planinšek-Ručigaj T; Tlaker-Žunter V
Herpes zoster - pasovec
[Herpes zoster - shingles]
2010 ►
Tlaker-Žunter V; Dolenc-Voljč M
Akutna urtikarija
[Acute urticaria]
2010 ►
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