biomedicina slovenica

re="Eur J Ophthalmol" : 7

  1. Lumi X; Irman I
    Vitrectomy for vitreomacular traction syndrome evaluated by optical coherence tomography
  2. Cima I; Brecelj J; Coppieters F; Leroy BP; De Baere E; Hawlina M
    Unusually mild enhanced S-cone syndrome with preservedmacular structure: a case report
  3. Gračner T
    Color doppler ultrasound imaging of the ocular circulation in patients with diabetic retinopathy
  4. Pahor D
    Reduction of retinal light sensitivity in diabetic patients
  5. Gračner T
    Intraocular pressure response of capsular glaucoma and primary open-angle glaucoma to selective Nd:YAG laser trabeculoplasty: a prospective, comparative clinical trial
  6. Cvenkel B; Globočnik M
    Conjuctival scrapings and impression cytology in chronic conjunctivitis. Correlation with microbiology
  7. Kraut A; Drnovšek-Olup B
    Instillation of mitomycin C after recurrent ptergium surgery

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