Avtor/Urednik     Aljančič, Marko
Naslov     Sto let spoznanja o sluhu pri žuželkah
Prevedeni naslov     A hundred years of awareness of insect hearing
Tip     članek
Vir     Proteus
Vol. in št.     Letnik 59, št. 2
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 56-68
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The article discusses the chief research and experiments of the Slovene zoophysiologist Ivan Regen (1868-1947), known worldwide. It has been a hundred years since his first recognizing insect hearing. In August of 1897, Regen was listing to two male brown bush crickets, Pholidoptera aptera: their alternating voice communications were the key to many significant discoveries, and the beginning of a new period in insect bioacoustical research. In 1908 he found that communications were made possible by the tympanal organs; in 1914 he proved them to be true hearing organs. In a famed experiment in 1913 he determined that a female oriented herself only bu the chirping of a male field cricket, Gryllus campestris - transmitted through a telephone. He confirmed this finding in 1914 with the use of 1600 females in a large, open-air terrarium near Vienna, the first geobiological experimental station in Europe. In 1925 Regen achieved alternations in insects with synthetic sounds, which also made possible the determination of the cricket's hearing range. He was the first to "talk" to a cricket: in 1926 an insect alternated with the human "s" sound. Ivan Regen was a genius in experimentation; his methods were always original. He made the majority of his own, quite complex, apparatus. He was deft and creative: he even patented several investions. Ivan Regen is considered to be the author of modern bioacoustics in insects; his basic work is still today frequently quoted.
Deskriptorji     INSECTS