biomedicina slovenica

pr=Alexandrie : 2

  1. Benhamou Simone; Lee Won Jin; Alexandrie Anna-Karin; Boffetta Paolo; Bouchardy Christine; Butkiewicz Dorota; Brockmoller Jurgen; Clapper Margie L; Daly Ann; Dolžan Vita
    Meta- and pooled analyses of the effects of glutathione S-transferase M1 polymorphisms and smoking on lung cancer risk
  2. Garte Seymour; Gaspari Laura; Alexandrie Anna-Karin; Ambrosone Christine; Autrup Herman; Autrup Judith L; Baranova Helena; Bathum Lise; Breskvar Katja; Dolžan Vita
    Metabolic gene polymorphism frequencies in control populations

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