biomedicina slovenica

pr=Botić : 2

  1. Botić Tanja; Manta Stella; Komiotis Dimitri; Lefevre Francois; Cencič Avrelija
    l-(6-0-Acetil-3, 4-Dideoksi-3-Fluoro-ß-D-Glicero-Hex-3-enopiranozil-2-Uloza)-N4-Benzoil Citozin je močan inhibitor replikacije pseudorabies virusa v okuženih celicah
    [l-(6-0-Acetyl-3, 4-Dideoxy-3-Fluoro-ß-Glycero-Hex-3-enopyranosyl-2-Ulose)-N4-Benzoil Cytosine is a potential inhibitor of pseudorabies virus replication in infected cells]
  2. Botić Tanja; Recek Nina; Gunde-Cimerman Nina; Sepčić Kristina; Knez Željko
    Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on selected black yeast species

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