biomedicina slovenica

pr=Bruijn : 4

  1. Bruijn Rene de; Kresal Friderika
    Local compression movement in tendon tissue wound healing
    [Učinkovitost lokalnega kompresijskega gibanja pri tendinopatiji ahilove tetive]
  2. Vizjak A; Ferluga D; Bruijn JA; Mihatsch MJ
    Programme, proceedings of the 20th European congress of pathology: nephropathology pre-congress meeting Updates in nephropathology and transplantation. ; 2005 Sep 3; Paris
  3. Bruijn Jan A
    Renal involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus
  4. de Bruijn Rene
    Subakromialni sindrom utesnitve
    [Impingement syndrom]

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