biomedicina slovenica

pr=Christiano : 4

  1. Furniss Megan; Higgins Claire A.; Martinez-Mir Amalia; Horev Liran; Petukhova Lynn; Stanimirović Andrija; Miljković Jovan; Zlotogorski Abraham; Christiano Angela M.
    Identification of distinct mutations in AAGAB in families with type 1 punctate palmoplantar keratoderma
  2. Casta A; Kim H; Cirman T; Engelhard A; Christiano AM
    Hr is repressed by TNFa via the NFkB signaling pathway
  3. Casta A; Kim H; Cirman T; Christiano AM
    Hairless is a transcriptional repressor of ODC
  4. Kim H; Casta A; Cirman T; Tang X; Bickers DR; Athar M; Christiano Am
    Hairless mutation in SKH1 mice confers susceptibility to ultraviolet-B (UVB) - induced tumorigenesis via discruption of NFxB signaling

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