biomedicina slovenica

pr=Cokić : 5

  1. Cokić M; Pečan M; Stošić N; Voje T
    Fentanyl, rohypnol u dečijoj anesteziji kod operacija korekcije stabizma
  2. Barovič Vesna; Pečan Marija; Koželj Vesna; Cokić Miroslav
    Merjenje koncentracije adrenalina v krvi otrok pri lokalni aplikaciji pred operacijo shize
    [Measurement of adrenalin concentrations in the blood of children after local infiltration before surgical corrections of clefts]
  3. Jeras SL; Cokić M; Petek D
    Predicting the risk of respiratory complications
  4. Hribar-Habinc M; Cokić M
    Uporaba butorfanola (moradol) kot analgetika v ambulantni anesteziji
    [Butorphanol tartrate (moradol) as analgetic agent in out-patients' anesthesia]
  5. Cokić Miroslav; Pečan Marija; Barovič Vesna
    Spremembe srčnega utripa in arterijskega pritiska med operacijo heilognatopalatoshiz z lokalno rabo adrenalina
    [Changes of heart rate and arterial blood pressure during the surgery of cheilognathopalatoschisis with the local usage of adrenalin]

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