biomedicina slovenica

pr=Cvirn : 18

  1. Goswami Nandu; Taucher Alexander Andreas; Brix Bianca; Roessler Andreas; Koestenberger Martin; Reibnegger Gilbert; Cvirn Gerhard
    Coagulation changes during central hypovolemia across seasons
  2. Goswami Nandu; Brix Bianca; Roessler Andreas; Koestenberger Martin; Reibnegger Gilbert; Cvirn Gerhard
    Menstrual phase affects coagulation and hematological parameters during central hypovolemia
  3. Cvirn Klemen; Prijatelj Vesna
    Vloga medicinske sestre kot promotorke uporabe mobilnih aplikacij za podporo zdravju
    [The role of a nurse as a promotor of mobile health applications]
  4. Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana; Pahor Majda; Farkaš-Lainščak Jerneja; Mihelič Zajec Andreja; Cvirn Cita; Vrhunec Breda
    Prevod vprašalnika "Sense of coherence - orientation to life questionnaire" v slovenski jezik
  5. Cvirn Tatjana; Einspieler Edo
    Med osami in čebelami - na srečo v podobi cvetočih stvaritev
  6. Cvirn Novak Mateja; Mrhar Aleš
    Vloga lekarniškega farmacevta pri obvladovanju čezmerne telesne mase
    [Community pharmacist's contribution to overweight management]
  7. Cvirn Cita; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana; Farkaš-Lainščak Jerneja
    Občutek koherentnosti in zdravje študentov medicine
  8. Cvirn.-Novak Mateja; Čater Nataša; Urbanc Marina; Vovk Tomaž
    Lekarniški farmacevt in bolezni ušes, nosu in grla
    [Community pharmacist and diseases of ear, nose and throat]
  9. Ostrovršnik Jaka; Cvirn Anina; Peterlin-Mašič Lucija
    Amfetamin in metamfetamin: mehanizem delovanja, učinki, zastrupitev in diagnostika
    [Amphetamine and methamphetamine: mechanism of action, effects, poisoning and diagnostics]
  10. Cvirn Janez; Počivavšek Marija
    Štefan Kočevar - rodoljub slovenski
  11. Mozer Alenka; Cvirn Tanja; Bačnik Andreja
    Dijaki kot nosilci aktivnosti pri pouku: vizualizacija izbranih poglavij iz učnega načrta za kemijo v gimnaziji, izdelava učnih sredstev in predstavitev v svetovni splet
    [Students as bearers of in-class activities: visualisation of the chosen chapters from the chemistry curriculum for grammar school, designing of teaching devices and presentation of the project on the world wide web]
  12. Cvirn Janez; Granda Stane; Grdina Igor; Komelj Milček; Studen Andrej
    Slovenska kronika 19. stoletja: 1800-1860
  13. Cvirn P; Slivnik T
    Porazdelitev gostote električnega toka v ishiadičnem živcu
    [Electrical current distribution in ischiadic nerve]
  14. Cvirn P; Slivnik T; Stefanovska A
    Model izračuna gostote tokovnega polja v živcu
    [A model for calculation of current field density in the nerve]
  15. Ribarič S; Stefanovska A; Vodovnik L; Cvirn P
    Muscle force recovery after continuous direct current stimulation of a crushed nerve
  16. Ribarič S; Cvirn P; Stefanovska A
    Continuous low amplitude direct current stimulation of the crushed peripheral nerve accelerates the early recovery of choline acetyltransferase but not of acetylcholinesterase activity in fast and slow muscles
  17. Maretić T; Kršić B; Makek N; Cvirn P; Maček P; Breitenfeld V; Strle F; Pleterski-Rigler D; Borčić D; Begovac J
    Bolesnici s Lyme boreliozom liječeni u Klinici za infektivne bolesti "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" u Zagrebu, u razdoblju od 1984. do lipnja 1989
    [Critical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of Lyme borreliosis at the Clinic of infectious diseases in Zagreb]
  18. Maretić T; Ropac D; Kršić B; Cvirn P; Makek N; Breitenfeld V; Komatina G; Strle F; Pleterski-Rigler D
    Epidemiološke značajke Lyme borelioze u centralnoj Hrvatski
    [Epidemiological features of Lyme borreliosis in central Croatia]

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