biomedicina slovenica

pr=Dahmane : 57

  1. Finžgar Monika; Gošnak Dahmane Raja; Poljšak Borut; Starc Andrej
    The effect of lifestyle on primary dysmenorrhea
  2. Sotler Robert; Filipič Metka; Jarni Kristjan; Gošnak Dahmane Raja; Trebše Polonca; Bavcon Kralj Mojca
    Analyzing the photoprotection efficiency of sunscreens containing antioxidants under disinfection conditions
  3. Ponorac Slavica; Gošnak Dahmane Raja; Urlep Žužej Darja; Ključevšek Damjana
    Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in the evaluation of Crohn disease activity in children
  4. Hirci Nataša; Homar Vesna; Jazbinšek Simona; Kocijančič-Pokorn Nike; Korošec Tanja; Lipovec Čebron Uršula; Mikolič Južnič Tamara; Milavec Kapun Marija; Pistotnik Sara; Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Zelko Erika; Asanabla Hakim; Beshkoueideh Nader; Gubanc Irena; Škofič Mateja; Gošnak Dahmane Raja
    Večjezični priročnik za lažje sporazumevanje v zdravstvu
  5. Sotler Robert; Poljšak Borut; Gošnak Dahmane Raja; Jukić Tomislav; Pavan-Jukić Doroteja; Rotim Cecilija; Trebše Polonca; Starc Andrej
    Prooxidant activities of antioxidants and their impact on health
  6. Poljšak Borut; Kovač Vito; Gošnak Dahmane Raja; Levec Tina; Starc Andrej
    Cancer etiology
  7. Mišič Jure; Popović Peter; Hribernik Marija; Starc Andrej; Dahmane Raja
    Morphological characteristics and frequency of accessory right hepatic veins - evaluation with computed tomography
  8. Starc Andrej; Jukić Tomislav; Poljšak Borut; Dahmane Raja
    Female sexual function and dysfunction
  9. Polak Jure; Poljšak Borut; Dahmane Raja; Starc Andrej
    Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
  10. Poljšak Borut; Starc Andrej; Dahmane Raja
    Is the beneficial effect of green tea, wine, olive oil and coffee the consequence of low concentration of H2O2 formation and its hormetic response?
  11. Poljšak Borut; Oder Martina; Polak Jure; Starc Andrej; Levec Tina; Dahmane Raja
    The correlation between anatomic sites of the melanoma distribution on the upper back area and lack of sunscreen application
  12. Pandel Mikuš Ruža; Vičič Vid; Dahmane Raja
    The assessment of energy and protein needs coverage in hospitalized patients
    [Ocena pokritosti potreb po energiji in beljakovinah med hospitaliziranimi bolniki]
  13. Morjane Abdelwaheb; Dahmane Raja; Ravnik Dean; Hribernik Marija
    Anatomy and surgical relevance of the hepatocaval ligament
  14. Mišič Jure; Dahmane Raja; Popović Peter
    Morfološke značilnosti in pogostost akcesornih jetrnih ven - obravnava z računalniško tomografijo
    [Morphological characteristics and frequency of accessory hepatic veins - evaluation with computed tomography]
  15. Dahmane Raja; Pandel Mikuš Ruža; Trebše Polonca; Poljšak Borut
    The role of sun exposure in skin aging
  16. Poljšak Borut; Godić Aleksandar; Fink Rok; Oder Martina; Lampe Tomaž; Dahmane Raja
    Sleeping on an anti-wrinkle pillow reduces facial wrinkles
  17. Pandel Mikuš Ruža; Grča Tina; Adamič Metka; Dahmane Raja; Poljšak Borut
    Knowledge, selection and use of sunscreen products
  18. Godić Aleksandar; Poljšak Borut; Adamič Metka; Dahmane Raja
    The role of antioxidants in skin cancer prevention and treatment
  19. Dahmane Raja; Morjane Abdelwaheb; Starc Andrej
    Anatomy and surgical relevance of Rouviere's sulcus
  20. Pandel Mikuš Ruža; Poljšak Borut; Godić Aleksandar; Dahmane Raja
    Skin photoaging and the role of antioxidants in its prevention
  21. Poljšak Borut; Dahmane Raja; Godić Aleksandar
    Intrinsic skin aging
  22. Šalić Matej; Cvetko Erika; Dahmane Raja
    Vpliv delovanja obraznih mišic na gube obraza in na funkcijsko izboljšanje po okvari obraznega živca
    [Influence of facial muscles action on the facial wrinkles and functional improvement after facial nerve damage]
  23. Dahmane Raja; Hribernik Marija
    Anatomija štirih jetrnih sistemov in delitev jeter na funkcionalne enote
    [Anatomy of four liver systems and liver division into functional units]
  24. Travnik Ludvik; Djordjević Srdjan; Rozman Sergej; Hribernik Marija; Dahmane Raja
    Muscles within muscles
  25. Poljšak Borut; Dahmane Raja; Godić Aleksandar
    Skin and antioxidants
  26. Starc Andrej; Morjane Abdelwaheb; Dahmane Raja
    Anatomical approach to the liver mobilization: a study on cadaveric livers
  27. Poljšak Borut; Glavan Uroš; Dahmane Raja
    Skin cancer, free radicals and antioxidants
  28. Poljšak Borut; Godić Aleksandar; Lampe Tomaž; Dahmane Raja
    The influence of the sleeping on the formation of facial wrinkles
  29. Hribernik M; Dahmane R
    Hepatocaval ligament - anatomy and surgical relevance
  30. Dahmane Raja; Petelin Milan
    Vpliv parodontalne bolezni na prezgodnji porod in nižjo porodno težo novorojencev
    [Influence of periodontal disease on preterm birth and low birth weight]
  31. Gošnak-Dahmane Raja; Hribernik Marija
    Vzorci in črte na površini kože
  32. Dahmane Raja
    Histochemical and mechanomyographical evaluation of the adaptive potential of human biceps femoris muscle
  33. Dahmane Raja; Morjane Abdelwaheb; Ravnik Dean; Hribernik Marija
    Anatomy of the ligamentum venosum Arantii and its contribution to the left hepatic vein and common trunk control: #a #study on cadaveric livers
  34. Gošnak-Dahmane Raja; Ribarič Samo
    Fiziologija agresivnega vedenja
    [Physiology of aggresive behaviour]
  35. Adamič Metka; Troilius Agneta; Adatto Maurice; Drosner Michael; Dahmane Raja
    Vascular lasers and IPLS: guidelines for care from the European Society for Laser Dermatology (ESLD)
  36. Dahmane Raja
    Biomehanska analiza mišice biceps brachii starejših oseb s tenziomiografijo
  37. Gošnak-Dahmane Raja; Ribarič Samo
    Celično staranje
    [Cell ageing]
  38. Dahmane Raja; Djordjevič Srdjan; Šimunič Boštjan; Valenčič Vojko
    Spatial fiber type distribution in normal human muscle: histochemical and tensiomyographical evaluation
  39. Kerševan K; Dahmane R; Valenčič V; Šimunić B
    Tensiomyographic evaluation of spatial fibre type distribution in normal human muscle
  40. Sajko Špela; Kubinova Lucie; Kreft Marko; Dahmane Raja; Wernig Anton; Eržen Ida
    Improving methodological strategies for satellite cells counting in human muscle during ageing
  41. Dahmane Raja
    Hietokemična, morfometrična in biomehanska primerjava miŠic zgornjega in spodnjega uda
    [The histochemical, morphometric and biomechanical comparison of the upper and the lower limb muscles]
  42. Dahmane Raja; Ribarič Samo
    Rešena testna vprašanja iz anatomije
  43. Cvetko Erika; Coer Andrej; Čebašek Vita; Dahmane Raja; Hribernik Marjana; Melik Živa; Meznarič-Petruša Mija; Smerdu Vika
    Nega telesa: skrbimo za zdravje: vodnik po človeškem telesu
  44. Dahmane R; Valenčič V; Knez N; Eržen I
    Evaluation of the ability to make non-invasive estimation of muscle contractile properties on the basis of the muscle belly response
  45. Sajko Špela; Kubinova Lucie; Kreft Marko; Dahmane Raja; Wernig Anton; Eržen Ida
    Improving methodological strategies for satellite cells counting in human muscle during ageing
  46. Dahmane Raja; Coer Andrej
    Anatomija in histologija dojke
  47. Dahmane R; Knez N; Valenčič V; Eržen I
    Tensiomyography, a noninvasive method reflecting the percentage of slow muscle fibres in human skeletal muscles
  48. Knez Nataša; Dahmane Raja; Valenčič Vojko; Eržen Ida
    Analiza prispevkov različnih tipov mišičnih vlaken k odzivu trebuha skeletne mišice
    [Analysis of different muscle types contribution to skeletal muscle belly response]
  49. Blažinovič I; Gošnak-Dahmane R
    Histokemične značilnosti skeletnih mišičnih vlaken v spremenjenih razmerah
    [Histochemical characteristics of skeletal muscle fibers under changed conditions]
  50. Dahmane-Gošnak Raja
    Ilustrirana anatomija
  51. Dahmane Raja
    Tipi mišičnih vlaken v skeletni mišici
    [Types of muscle fibers in skeletal muscles]
  52. Skoberne Mihaela; Mihelič-Zajec Andreja; Dahmane-Gošnak Raja
    Visokostrokovni študijski program zdravstvene nege, porodniškoginekološka smer
    [High level education nursing program in obstetrics and gynaecology]
  53. Dahmane R; Eržen I
    Influence of two-way selection on the energy metabolism and diameter of chicken muscle fibres
  54. Dahmane R; Eržen I
    Microdensitometric analysis of cockerels pectoralis profundus muscle during growth
  55. Dahmane Raja
    Histokemična ocena energetske presnove skeletnih mišic piščancev različnih starosti
    [Histochemical analysis of the energy metabolism of chicken skeletal muscles during growth]
  56. Dahmane R; Holcman A; Eržen I
    Vpliv rasti na metabolične značilnosti in premer mišičnih vlaken piščancev
    [Influence of growth on the energy metabolism and diameter of chicken skeletal muscle fibres]
  57. Dahmane R; Holcman A; Eržen I
    Metabolične značilnosti in premer mišičnih vlaken pri piščancih iz dvosmerne selekcije na telesno maso
    [The energy metabolism and diameter of muscle fibres in chicken from two-way selection for body weight]

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