biomedicina slovenica

pr=Dašić : 3

  1. Markotić A; Dašić G; Gagro A; Sabioncello A; Rabatić S; Kuzman I; Zgorelec R; Smoljan I; Beus I; Županc TA
    Role of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) phenotype changes in the pathogenesis of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS)
  2. Markotić A; LeDuc JW; Hlača D; Rabatić S; Šarčević A; Dašić G; Gargo A; Avšič-Županc T; Beus I; Dekaris D
    Hantaviruses are a likely thrat to NATO forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia
  3. Dašić A; Barbirović N; Stoiljković N; Višacki Z
    Metoprolol (bloxan) v ambulantnem zdravljenju bolnikov z esencialno hipertenzijo

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