biomedicina slovenica

pr=Čičak : 8

  1. Vrsalović Renata; Korošec Peter; Mihatov Stefanovic I.; Bidovec Urška; Čičak Biserka; Harjaček Miroslav; Škrgat Sabina
    Value of thymic stromal lymphopoietin as a biomarker in children with asthma
  2. Podbregar Matej; Kralj Eduard; Čičak Roman; Pavlinjek Andreja
    #A #triad algorithm for analysing individual ante- and post-mortem findings to improve the quality of intensive care
  3. Čičak Roman; Pavlinjek Andreja
    Ocena kvalitete dela na intenzivnem internem oddelku - primerjava kliničnih in obdukcijskih diagnoz
  4. Čičak Nikola; Bićanić Goran
    Abstract book of the Congress of the Croatian orthopaedic and traumatology association with international participation; 2003 okt 23-25, Zagreb
  5. Hašpl M; Čičak N; Pečina M
    Proximal realignement and stabilisation of the patella-full arthroscopic technique
  6. Čičak N; Delimar D; Klobučar H; Koržinek K
    Arthroscopic stabilization of the shoulder with extraartricular knot
  7. Čičak N; Buljan M
    Ultrazvučna dijagnostika ramena i nadlaktice
  8. Vukičević S; Marušić A; Stavljenić A; Čičak N; Vogel M; Krempien B
    Talc granulomatosis in the rat: the relationship between osteoblast insufficiency and adjacent bone marrow hyperplasia

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