biomedicina slovenica


  1. Lipnik-Štangelj Metoda; Zidarn Mihaela
    Mukolitiki, ekspektoransi in antitusiki
    [Mucolytics, expectorants and antitussives]
  2. Mušič E; Schoss-Videnšek Z
    Ambroksol in bromheksin v terapiji kronične obstruktivne pljučne bolezni
    [Ambroxol and bromhexin in the therapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease]
  3. Černelč S
    Vlastita istraživanja potrošnje i troškova lijekova u bolnicama SR Slovenije
    [Research on the expenditure of drugs and the rate of costs in the hospitals of the Socialist republic of Slovenia]

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