biomedicina slovenica


  1. Kramar Barbara; Pirc Marolt Tinkara; Monsalve Maria; Šuput Dušan; Milisav Irina
    Antipsychotic drug aripiprazole protects liver cells from oxidative stress
  2. Turin Anja; Drobnič Radobuljac Maja
    Psychosocial factors affecting the etiology and management of type 1 diabetes mellitus
  3. Ganjali Shiva; Banach Maciej; Pirro Matteo; Fras Zlatko; Sahebkar Amirhossein
    HDL and cancer -causality still needs to be confirmed?
  4. Večerić-Haler Željka; Borštnar Špela; Luzar Boštjan; Jerše Maja; Kojc Nika
    Multiorgan failure with fatal outcome after stem cell tourism
  5. Breznik Vesna; Fujs Komloš Kristina; Hošnjak Lea; Luzar Boštjan; Kavalar Rajko; Miljković Jovan; Poljak Mario
    Determination of causative human papillomavirus type in tissue specimens of common warts based on estimated viral loads
  6. Makrai Laszlo; Matyasovszky István; Tusnády Gábor; Wang Yaqiang; Csépe Zoltán; Bozóki Zoltán; Nyúl László G.; Erostyák János; Bodnár Károly; Kofol-Seliger Andreja
    Biogeographical estimates of allergenic pollen transport over regional scales
  7. Muhič Neža; Mrhar Aleš; Brvar Miran
    Comparative analysis of three drug-drug interaction screening systems against probable clinically relevant drug-drug interactions
  8. Učakar Veronika; Grgič-Vitek Marta; Pibernik Tjaša
    Ocenjevanje vzročnosti neželenih dogodkov po cepljenju
    [Causality assessment of adverse events following immunization]
  9. Iles Mark M.; Hočevar Marko; Novaković Srdjan
    The effect on melanoma risk of genes previously associated with telomere length
  10. Stegenga Bauke T; Nazareth Irwin; Torres-Gonzalez Francisco; Švab Igor
    Depression, anxiety and physical function: exploring the strength of causality
  11. Grosek Štefan; Soban Martina; Kuštrin-Samba Alenka; Primožič Janez; Grabnar Iztok
    Probable association of neonatal death with the use of tramadol to treat labour pain
  12. Agusti Alvar; Edwards Lisa D; Rennard Stephen I; Košnik Mitja
    Persistent systemic inflammation is associated with poor clinical outcomes in COPD: a novel phenotype
  13. Dovč Klemen; Zakotnik Breda; Krajnc Natalija; Grgič-Vitek Marta; Čižman Milan
    Sistem odškodnin v primeru neželenih učinkov obveznih cepljenj: izkušnje Nacionalne komisije
    [No-fault compensation of adverse effects of campulsory vaccinations: experiences of Slovenian Committee on Causality Assessment]
  14. Lovrečič Mercedes; Lovrečič Barbara
    Najpogostejša psihopatologija, povezana z uporabo 3,4-metilendioksimetamfetamina (MDMA), pri iskalcih zdravstvene pomoči: vzročnost ali naključje?
    [The most frequent psychopathology related to the use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) of medical help seekers ecausality or coincidence?]
  15. Brvar Miran; Fokter Nina; Bunc Matjaž; Možina Martin
    The frequency of adverse drug reaction related admissions according to method of detection, admission urgency and medical department specialty
  16. Gupta S; Mishra P; Palaian S; Prabhu S; Bista D; Prabhu M
    Probable cutaneous allergic response to subcutaneous heparin - a case report
  17. Bilban Marjan
    Ekonomski vidik poškodb pri delu. 1. del
  18. Thomas Robert H
    Sindromi hiperkoagulabilnosti
    [Hypercoagulability syndromes]
  19. Tepeš Bojan
    Atipični simptomi in znaki gastroezofagealne refluksne bolezni
    [Extraoesophageal symtoms and signs of gastroesophageal reflux disease]
  20. Bilban Marjan
    Ekonomski vidik poškodb pri delu s poudarkom na gradbeništvu
    [Occupational injuries with emphasis on construction - economic point of view]
  21. Pernat Cvetka
    Etiopatogeneza kroničnih vnetnih črevesnih bolezni
    [Etiopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease]
  22. Schara Karin; Herman S
    Heterotopic bone formation in total hip arthroplasty: predisposing factors, classification and the significance for clinical outcome
  23. Koželj Mirta
    Stanja, ki pogojujejo nastanek atrijske fibrilacije
    [Predisposing conditions for atrial fibrillation]
  24. Radonjič-Miholič Vesna
    Razmerje med psihosocialnim in medicinskim vidikom v rehabilitaciji v prihodnosti
  25. Rosegger H
    Sexually transmitted diseases in perinatology - pediatic aspects
  26. Skok Pavel
    The epidemiology of hemorrhage from the upper gastrointestinal tract in the mid-nineties - has anything changed?
  27. Črne-Finderle Neva
  28. Jevšnik Mojca
    Problemi in epidemiološke značilnosti anoreksije in bulimije nervoze v Sloveniji
    [Problems and epidemiological characteristics of anorexia and bulimia nervosa in Slovenia]
  29. Mrevlje Gorazd V
    Sodobni pogledi na možnosti preprečevanja, vzročnost, dinamiko in zdravljenje motenj hranjenja
    [Contemporary views on possibilities of prevention, causality, dynamics and treatment of eating disorders]
  30. Merc B
    Vloga izvedenca medicinske stroke pri ugotavljanju vzročne zveze med nastalo posledico kot objektivnim pogojem kaznivosti in storilčevo povzročitvijo nevarne situacije
    [The role of the medical expert in ascertaining the causality between the proceed consequence as the objective condition of the culpable act against the public traffic security and the dangerous situation caused by the deliquent]
  31. Kirar-Fazarinc I
    Incidenca zunajmaterničnih nosečnosti v Sloveniji - kritični pregled
    [The incidence of ectopic pregnancy in Slovenia: a critical review]
  32. Brecelj-Kobe M
    Anoreksija nervoza pri mlajših - novejša spoznanja ter zdravljenje
    [Early-onset anorexia nervosa - recent findings and therapy]
  33. Stirn-Kranjc B; Zupan M; Boljka-Kolar M; Logar P
    Malignant glaucoma as a complication after glaucoma filtering surgery: a retrospective study
  34. Lejko T; Radšel A; Janc M
    Clinical course of infection with Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli
  35. Dežman Z
    Evaluation of driving under the influence of alcohol from the view-point of criminal law
  36. Kobal AB
    Ocenjevanje delovne zmožnosti na invalidskih komisijah v Sloveniji v obdobju od leta 1980 do 1990
  37. Pečar J
    Ogrožanje človekovega življenja z nasiljem
    [Threatening of human life with violence]
  38. Žerdoner D
    Vpliv vnetja obnosnih votlin na pnevmatizacijo lobanjskih kosti
  39. Piciga D
    Povezave med razvojem fizične kavzalnosti, socialne kavzalnosti in logično-matematičnih operacij subjekta
    [Relationships between the development of physical causality, social causality and logico-matematical operations of the subject]

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