biomedicina slovenica

"HALF-LIFE" : 32

  1. Bratkovič Tomaž
    Monoklonska protitelesa za preprečevanje migrene
    [Monoclonal antibodies for the prevention of migraine]
  2. Sočan Aljaž; Petrik Miloš; Kolenc-Peitl Petra; Krošelj Marko; Rangger Christine; Nový Zbyšek; Švajger Urban; Gmeiner Tanja; Decristoforo Clemens
    On-cartridge preparation and evaluation of 68Ga-, 89Zr- and 64Cu-precursors for cell radiolabelling
  3. Nicholson Judith; Jevons Sarah J.; Grošelj Blaž; Ellermann Sophie; Konietzny Rebecca; Kerr Martin; Kessler Benedikt M.; Kiltie Anne E.
    E3 ligase cIAP2 mediates downregulation of MRE11 and radiosensitization in response to HDAC inhibition in bladder cancer
  4. Ocak Meltem; Helbok Anna; Rangger Christine; Kolenc-Peitl Petra; Nock Berthold A.; Morelli Giancarlo; Eek Annemarie; Sosabowski Jane K.; Breeman Wouter A.P.; Reubi Jean Claude; Decristoforo Clemens
    Comparison of biological stability and metabolism of CCK2 receptor targeting peptides, a collaborative project under COST BM0607
  5. Wu Guifu; Mannam Arjuna P.; Wu Jiaping; Kirbiš Simona; Shie Jue-Lon; Chen Christopher; Laham Roger J.; Sellke Frank W.; Li Jian
    Hypoxia induces myocyte-dependent COX-2 regulation in endothelial cells: role of VEGF
  6. Adriaenssens Niels; Coenen Samuel; Versporten Ann; Čižman Milan
    European surveillance of antimicrobial consumption (ESAC): outpatient macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin (MLS) use in Europe (1997-2009)
  7. Premuš-Marušič Alenka; Locatelli Igor; Mrhar Aleš
    Farmakokinetika penicilinskih antibiotikov: preklop iz intravenske na peroralno terapijo
    [Pharmacokinetics of penicillin antibiotics: intravenous-to-oral switch therapy]
  8. Jensterle M; Pfeifer M; Sever M; Kocjan T
    Dihydrotachysterol intoxication treated with pamidronate: a case report
  9. Tratar Gregor; Mavri Alenka; Gubenšek Mirjam; Krevel Barbara; Ježovnik Mateja Kaja; Ostaševski Nina; Štalc Monika; Vižintin-Cuderman Tjaša
    Antikoagulacijsko zdravljenje pri bolnikih z zmanjšanim ledvičnim delovanjem
    [Anticoagulant treatment in patients with renal insufficiency]
  10. Coenen Samuel; Ferech Matus; Malhotra-Kumar Surbhi; Hendrickx Erik; Suetens Carl; Goossens Herman; Čižman Milan
    European surveillance of antimicrobial consumption (ESAC): outpatient macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin (MLS) use in Europe
  11. Filipič M; Fatur T; Vudrag M
    Molecular mechanisms of cadmium-induced mutagenicity
  12. Perez Ruth G; Soriano Salvador; Hayes Jay D; Ostazewski Beth; Xia Weiming; Selkoe Dennis J; Chen Xiaohua; Stokin Gorazd B; Koo Edward H
    Mutagenesis identifies new signals for beta-amyloid precursor protein endocytosis, turnover, and the generation of secreted fragments, including Abeta42
  13. Aman P; Panagopoulos I; Lassen C; Fioretos T; Mencinger M; Toresson H; Hoglund M; Forster A; Rabbitts TH; Ron D
    Expression patterns of the human sarcoma-associated genes FUS and EWS and the genomic structure of FUS
  14. Žagar Ivana; Eschmann Susanne M; Dohmen Bernhard M; Thelen Marcel; Reischel Georg; Lietzenmayer Roland; Kupferschlaeger Joerg; Machulla Hans Juergen; Bares Ronald
    Pozitronska emisiona tomografija (PET) štitaste žlezde pomoću 124-I u bolesnika sa hipertireozom lečenih radioaktivnim 131-I - dozimetrijska merenja
  15. Han Ruben; Žagar Ivana; Marković Svetlana; Jakšić Emilija; Beatović Slobodanka
    Neki aspekti terapijske primene radioaktivnog izotopa joda - 131I
  16. Veingerl Bojan
    Early postoperative serum carcinoembryonic antigen levels in patients operated for colorectal carcinoma - a new method for following-up
    [Določanje zgodnjega postoperativnega nivoja karcinoembrionalnega antigena v serumu pri bolnikih, ki so bili operirani zaradi raka širokega črevesa in danke - nova metoda sledenja bolnikov]
  17. Avčin Tadej; Cerar-Kornhauser Lilijana; Novak-Antolič Živa
    Strokovna izhodišča za celostno obravnavo otrok, rojenih materam s sistemskimi vezivnotkivnimi boleznimi
    [Expert proposition for management of children born to mothers with systemic connective tissue diseases]
  18. Plaxe SC; Christen RD; O'Quigley J; Braly PS; Freddo JL; McClay E; Heath D; Howell SB
    Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of intraperitoneal topotecan
  19. Felc Z
    Prenos zdravil z materinim mlekom
    [The transfer of medications by mother's milk]
  20. Rozman Blaž
    Clinical pharmacokinetics of leflunomide
  21. Poredoš Pavel
    Prednosti nizkomolekularnega heparina pred standardnim heparinom
    [Advantages of low-molecular-weight heparin in comparison with unfractionated heparin]
  22. Veingerl Bojan
    Serum carcinoembryonic antigen levels in patients operated for colorectal carcinoma
  23. Veingerl Bojan
    Značenje razine karcinoembrijskog antigena u serumu bolesnika operiranih zbog kolorektalnog karcinoma kao mjerilo uspješnosti liječenja i prognoze
  24. Golmajer Andrej; Kozjek Franc
    Farmakokinetične lastnosti makrolidov
    [Pharmacokinetic properties of macrolides]
  25. Vene Nina
    Zdravljenje akutne venske tromboze
    [Treatment of acute deep venous thrombosis]
  26. Lavrenčič Aleša
    Irbesartan za zdravljenje arterijske hipertenzije
    [Irbesartan in the treatment of arterial hypertension]
  27. Kožuh-Eržen N; Kužner J; Drobnič-Košorok M
    Določanje vsebnosti terbinafinijevega hidroklorida v plazmi in dlaki mačk z uporabo nove izokratske metode HPLC
    [Determination of the terbinafine hydrochloride levels in cat's plasma and hair using a new development isocratic HPLC method]
  28. Pišljar Marko
    Simptomatska terapija
    [Symptomatic therapy]
  29. Jerman Alenka
    Klaritromicin (Fromilid) - več kot standardni makrolid
    [Clarithromycin (Fromilid) - more than a standard macrolide]
  30. Hočevar M; Auersperg M; Stanovnik L
    The dynamics of serum thyroglobulin elimination from the body after thyroid surgery
  31. Irman-Florjanc T
    Increased plasma tele-methylhistamine levels in the rat: effects on plasma and tissue histamine and its elimination
  32. Irman-Florjanc T; Erjavec F
    Histamine and tele-methylhistamine in cat plasma after intravenous injection of histamine

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