biomedicina slovenica

"Habitat" : 331

  1. Bandelj Petra; Žele Diana; Blagus Rok; Vergles-Rataj Aleksandra; Krt Branko
    Wild carnivore survey of Echinococcus species in Slovenia
  2. Simonovič Zoran
    Nalezljive bolezni sodobnega časa
  3. Šimić Ivana; Zorec Tomaž Mark; Lojkić Ivana; Krešić Nina; Poljak Mario; Cliquet Florence; Picard-Meyer Evelyne; Wasniewski Marine; Zrnčić Vida; Ćukušić Anđela; Bedeković Tomislav
    Viral metagenomic profiling of Croatian bat population reveals sample and habitat dependent diversity
  4. Gostinčar Cene; Zajc Janja; Lenassi Metka; Plemenitaš Ana; Hoog Sybren de; Al-Hatmi Abdullah M. S.; Gunde-Cimerman Nina
    Fungi between extremotolerance and opportunistic pathogenicity on humans
  5. Vogrin Milan; Brodnik Urša; Čepon Urban; Vrhovšek Danijel; Vrhovšek Martin
    Idejne rešitve hidroloških in ekoloških ureditev novih vodnih habitatov ob ribniku Vrbje - povezovalna pot
  6. Paradiž Jasna
    Rastlinski biosenzorji populacijske dinamike nadomestnega habitata za travnate odseke ob Savi na Dolenjskem
  7. Paradiž Jasna
    Nadomestni habitat NH3 suhi travnik na vplivnem območju HE Brežice
  8. Health Melanie F.; Evans Michael I.
    Important bird areas in Europe
  9. Health Melanie F.; Evans Michael I.
    Important bird areas in Europe
  10. Langton Tom; Burton John A.
    Amphibians and reptiles
  11. Laguna Lumbreras Emilio
    Hábitats prioritarios de la Comunidad Valenciana
  12. Rogelj Milena
    Pomen prisotnosti staršev ob otroku v bolnišnici
    [The importance of parent-child cohabitation in hospital]
  13. Knap Nataša; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Factors affecting the ecology of tick-borne encephalitis in Slovenia
  14. Carss David N; van Eerden Mennobart; Enstipp Manfred; Govedič Marijan; Gwiazda Robert; Trauttmansdorff Josef
    Cormorant diet, food and energy intake
  15. van Eerden Mennobart; van Rijn Stef; Volponi Stefano; Paquet Jean-Yves; Carss David N
    Cormorants and the European environment
  16. Verovnik Rudi; Zakšek Barbara
    Contribution to the knowledge of the spring butterfly fauna of the Republic of Macedonia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea & Hesperioidea)
    [Prispevek k poznavanju pomladanske favne dnevnih metuljev Republike Makedonije (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea & Hesperioidea)]
  17. Verovnik Rudi
    Cupido osiris (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera)
    [Cupido Osiris (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera)]
  18. Debevec Tadej; Bali Tarsi C.; Simpson Elizabeth J.; MacDonald Ian A.; Eiken Ola; Mekjavić Igor B.
    Body composition modulation during and following simulated planetary habitation
  19. Zelnik Igor
    The presence of invasive alien plant species in different habitats
    [Razširjenost tujerodnih invazivnih vrst rastlin v različnih habitatih]
  20. Kos Ivan; Koren Iztok; Potočnik Hubert; Krofel Miha
    Status and distribution of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Slovenia from 2005 to 2009
    [Stanje in razširjenost evrazijskega risa (Lynx lynx) v Sloveniji v obdobju 2005-2009]
  21. Kutnjak Denis; Rupar Matevž; Gutierrez-Aguirre Ion; Kogovšek Polona; Curk Tomaž; Kreuze Jan F.; Ravnikar Maja
    What could virus derived small RNAs tell us about the population of plant RNA virus?
  22. Program + Book of abstracts
  23. Skoberne Peter; Vukelič Eva; Skoberne Peter; Lešnik Andreja; Papež Janez
    Direktiva o habitatih in Slovenija
  24. Klančnik Katja; Gaberščik Alenka
    The traits determining leaf reflectance differ among plant species growing along water/land gradients
  25. Germ Mateja; Kuhar Urška; Urbanič Gorazd; Gaberščik Alenka
    Macrophytes habitat characteristics and their indicator value in Slovenian rivers
  26. Čelik Tatjana; Vreš Branko
    Ovipostion choice and larval preferences of Large Heath (Coenonympha tullia (Müller 1764); Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) at the southern border of its range
    [Izbira ovipozicijskega habitata in ekološke preference gosenic munčevega okarčka (Ceononympha tullia (Müller 1764); Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) na južnem robu areala]
  27. Verovnik Rudi; Micevski Branko; Maes Dirk; Wynhoff Irma; van Swaay Chris; Warren Martin S.
    Conserving Europe's most endangered butterfly
  28. Verovnik Rudi; Micevski Branko
    Chequered skipper (Carterocephalus palaemon) new species for the fauna of the Republic of Macedonia (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)
  29. Maes Dirk; Collins Sue; Munguira Miguel L.; Šašić Martina; Settele Josef; van Swaay Chris; Verovnik Rudi; Warren Martin S.; Wiemers Martin; Wynhoff Irma
    Not the right time to amend the annexes of the European habitats directive
  30. Vrezec Al; Ambrožič Špela; Kapla Andrej; Bordjan Dejan; Bertoncelj Irena; Defar Boštjan
    Favna hroščev evropskega varstvenega pomena v krajinskem parku Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib
  31. Korva Miša; Knap Nataša; Resman Rus Katarina; Fajs Luka; Grubelnik Gašper; Bremec Matejka; Knapič Tea; Trilar Tomi; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Phylogeographic diversity of pathogenic and non-pathogenic hantaviruses in Slovenia
  32. Zunino Serena; Lipej Lovrenc; Del Piero Donatella
    Contribution to the knowledge of the Mediterranean stony coral, Cladocora caespitosa (Linnaeus, 1767)
  33. Maddock Ian P.; Harby Atle; Kemp Paul; Wood Paul J.
  34. Zupančič Justin Maja; Istenič Darja
    Celovit pogled na umeščanje ekoremediacij v kmetijsko krajino
    [#A #comprehensive insight into the placement of ecoremediations into the agricultural landscape]
  35. Kirbiš Nino; Žagar Anamarija; Govedič Marijan; Vrezec Al
    #The #effect of floods on habitat selection of the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) in riverside flood zones
  36. Knap Nataša; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Correlation of TBE incidence with red deer and roe deer abundance in Slovenia
  37. Tome Davorin; Bordjan Dejan; Vrezec Al; Koce Urška; Denac Damijan
    Ptice Ljubljane in okolice: končno poročilo
  38. Gostinčar Cene; Muggia Lucia; Grube Martin
    Polyextremotolerant black fungi: oligotrophism, adaptive potential, and a link to lichen symbioses
  39. Potočnik Hubert; Krofel Miha; Smole Irena; Vrezec Al; Kos Ivan
    Mrhovina kot prispevek k biotski pestrosti slovenskega živalstva
    [Carrion can contribute to biodiversity of Slovenian fauna]
  40. van Swaay Chris; Collins Sue; Dušej Goran; Maes Dirk; Lopez-Munguira Miguel; Rakosy Laszlo; Rhyrholm Nils; Šašić Martina; Settele Josef; Verovnik Rudi
    Dos and Don'ts for butterflies of the Habitats directive of the European Union
  41. Franeta Filip; Kogovšek Nika; Verovnik Rudi
    On the presence of Pontia chloridice (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in the Republic of Macedonia
  42. Dinca Vlad; Kolev Zdravko; Verovnik Rudi
    The distribution, ecology and cobservation status of the Spinose Skipper Mushampia cribrellum (Eversmann, 1841) at the western limit of its range in Europe (Hesperiidae)
  43. Verovnik Rudi; Micevski Branko
    On the presence of Syrichtus cribrellum (Eversmann, 1841) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) in the Republic of Macedonia
  44. Verovnik R
    Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of the Croatian islands: an update on published records and new surveys of Pašman an Ugljan
  45. Janauer Georg A; Gaberščik Alenka; Vukov Dragana
    Macrophytes and habitat characteristics of the Danube
    [Makrophyten und charakteristische Habitate in der Donau]
  46. Radović Andreja; Denac Damijan
    Habitat suitability and potential expansion of the stork (Ciconia ciconia) breeding population in Slovenia
  47. Zakšek Valerija; Govedič Marijan; Verovnik Rudi
    Habitat selection of the large blue (Phenharis arion) in western Haloze
    [Izbira habitata velikega mravljiščarja (Phengaris arion) v zahodnih Halozah]
  48. Poboljšaj Katja; Trčak Branka; Erjavec Darja; Cipot Maja; Lešnik Aleksandra; Govedič Marijan; Denac Damijan
    HE Boštanj - obratovalni monitoring: okoljski monitoring - inventarizacija flore, favne in habitatnih tipov: območje bazena HE Boštanj: 1. leto obratovanja - 2008
  49. Zalar P; Novak M; de Hoog GS; Gunde-Cimerman N
    Dishwashers - a man-made ecological niche accommodating human opportunistic fungal pathogens
  50. Gostinčar Cene; Grube Martin; Gunde-Cimerman Nina
    Evolution of fungal pathogens in domestic environments?
  51. Žagar Anamarija; Krofel Miha; Govedič Marijan; Mebert Konrad
    Distribution and habitat use of dice snakes (Natrix tessellata) in Slovenia
  52. Gaberščik A; Golob A
    Habitat characteristics of the macrophytes in the accimulation lake Slivniško jezero
  53. Majić-Skrbinšek Aleksandra
    Report on the implementation of the Bern Convention in Slovenia. Standing Committee, 29th meeting, Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats; 2009 Nov 23-26; Bern
  54. Vamberger Melita; Kos Ivan
    First observations on some aspects on the natural history of European pond turtles Emys orbicularis in Slovenia
  55. Kumprej Iva; Čelik Tatjana; Verovnik Rudi
    Izbira habitata in mobilnost črnega apolona - Parnassius mnemosyne (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) v porečju reke Drave (Slovenija)
    [The habitat selection and mobility of the clouded apollo - Parnassius mnemosyne (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in the Drava river basin (Slovenia)]
  56. Božič Luka; Denac Damijan
    Številčnost, razširjenost in habitat nekaterih gnezdilk rečne struge na panonskem delu Drave
    [Bundance, distribution and habitat of some breeding river-bed birds on Pannonian part of the Drava river (NE Slovenia)]
  57. Vrezec Al; Kapla Andrej
    Inventarizacija hroščev (Coleoptera) in njihovih habitatov s posebnim ozirom na evropsko pomembne vrste na vplivnem območju predvidenih HE Brežice in HE Mokrice
  58. Denac Damijan; Smole Jakob
    Inventarizacija ptic (Aves) in njihovih habitatov na vplivnem obmo ju predvidenih HE Brežice in HE Mokrice
  59. Germ Mateja; Gaberščik Alenka; Kuhar Urška
    Kartiranje vodnih habitatnih tipov in popis makrofitov reke Save in reke Krke na vplivnem območju predvidenih HE Brežice in HE Mokrice
  60. Govedič Marjan; Lešnik Aleksandra; Kotarac Mladen
    Pregled živalskih in rastlinskih vrst, njihovih habitatov ter kartiranje habitatnih tipov s posebnim ozirom na evropsko pomembne vrste, ekološko pomembna območja, posebna varstvena območja, zavarovana območja in naravne vrednote na vplivnem območju predvidenih HE Brežice in HE Mokrice: končno poročilo
  61. Žnidaršič Nada; Vittori M; Tušek-Žnidarič M; Štrus J; Falnoga I
    Cuticle structure and calcium dynamics during molt cycle in isopod crustaceans from different habitats
  62. Koce Urška; Denac Damijan
    Habitat use by whincat (Saxicola rubetra) on spring migration at the stopover site on the SE Adriatic coast
  63. Dolinar Nataša; Šraj Nina; Pongrac Paula; Regvar Marjana; Gaberščik Alenka
    The Presence of Mycorrhiza in Different GHabitats of an Intermittent Aquatic Ecosystem
  64. Kuhar Urška; Germ Mateja; Gaberščik Alenka
    Habitat characteristics of the alien species Elodea canadensis in Slovenian watercourses
  65. Zelnik Igor; Potisek Mateja; Gaberščik Alenka
    Habitat characteristics and macrophytes of karst ponds (Slovenia)
  66. Sket Boris
    Subterranean habitats as an arena of evolution - speciation and adaptation: the hidden biodiversity underground
  67. Bertoncelj Irena
    Spatial dynamics of ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblage in a forest and open habitat mosaic landscape
  68. Naparus Magdalena; Aljančič Gregor; Oštir Krištof
    Design of a GIS database to monitor possible threats to the habitat of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Proteidae). A ase study of a high vulnerable population of P. a. parkelj in Bela krajina, Slovenia
  69. Pipan Tanja; Culver David C; Simon Kevin S
    Organic carbon in aquatic shallow subterranean habitats
  70. Culver David C; Pipan Tanja
    Shallow subterranean habitats - gateway to the subterranean realm
  71. Novak Tone; Perc Matjaž; Janžekovič Franc
    Candidates for superficial subterranean habitats and epikarst among terrestrial cave inhabiting species: oral presentation
  72. Mori Nataša; Meisch Claude; Brancelj Anton
    Biodiversity of ostracods (Ostracoda, Crustacea) in groundwater habitats of Slovenia
  73. Beltram Gordana; Sket Boris
    Subterranean habitats as wetlands of international importance
  74. Attila Vegh; Kostanjšek Rok; Tkavc Rok; Štrus Jasna; Erzsebet Hornung
    Szarazfoeldi aszkarakok belcsatornajanak bakterialis koezoessegszerkezete kueloenboezo mezohabitatokban
  75. Pipan Barbara; Šuštar-Vozlič Jelka; Meglič Vladimir
    Genetic diversity of oilseed rape populations from different habitats in Slovenia using microsatellite markers
  76. Alexander Jan; Benford Diane J; Boobis Alan; Ceccatelli Sandra; Cravedi Jean-Pierre; Di Domenico Alessandro; Doerge Daniel; Dogliotti Eugenia; Edler Lutz; Filipič Metka
    Scientific Opinion on the effect on public or animal health or on the environment on the presence of seeds of Ambrosia spp. in animal feed: EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM), EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) and EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH)
  77. Brancelj Anton; Kernan Martin; Jeppesen Erik; Rautio Milla
    Cladocera remains from the sediments of remote cold lakes: a study of 294 lakes across Europe
  78. Szabolcs Lengyel; Seliškar Andrej
    Habitat monitoring in Europe: current situation and future perspectives
  79. Tavzes Branka; Urbanič Gorazd
    New indices for assessment of hydromorphological alteration of rivers and their evaluation with benthic invertebrate communities; Alpine case study
  80. Krivograd-Klemenčič Aleksandra; Toman Mihael J; Balabanič Damjan
    Records of new algal taxa within various aquatic and aerophytic habitats in Slovenia
    [Novi taksoni alg v različnih vodnih in aerofitskih habitatih v Sloveniji]
  81. Kutnar Lado; Matijašić Dragan; Pisek Rok
    Kazalniki ugodnega ohranitvenega stanja gozdnih habitatnih tipov v Sloveniji
    [Indicators of favourable conservation status of forest habitat types in Slovenia]
  82. Sedonja Jožef
    Kartiranje habitatnih tipov za potrebe ohranjanja narcisnih travnikov v Jeseniških rovtih (Karavanke, Slovenija)
    [Habitat mapping as preprequisite for conservation of daffodil meadows in the Jeseniški rovti (Karavanke, Slovenia)]
  83. Jež Matjaž; Kaligarič Simona
    Ohranjanje ogroženih habitatnih tipov je pomembno tudi kot ohranjanje habitatov ogroženih vrst metuljev (Lepidoptera)
  84. Kuhar U; Germ M; Gaberščik A
    Habitat characteristics of the alien species Elodea canadensis
  85. Skrbinšek Tomaž; Krofel Miha
    DinaRis: analiza kvalitete habitata, hrana in kompeticija: strokovno poročilo
  86. Vrezec Al; Denac Damijan; Tome Davorin
    Krokar Corvus corax na ozemlju Slovenije in bližnje okolice: analiza pojavljanja od pleistocena do danes ter odnos človeka do vrste
    [The Common Raven Corvus corax within the territory of Slovenia and its neighbouring countries: an analysis of the species occurrence from the Pleistocene to the present time and human's relationship with this bird species]
  87. Novak Tone; Klokočovnik Vesna; Lipovšek-Delakorda Saša; Devetak Dušan; Janžekovič Franc
    Preferences for different substances in Phalangium opilio (Opiliones: Phalangiidae) in natural environment
    [Preference navadnega matije, Phalangium opilio (Opiliones: Phalangiidae) do različnih substratov v naravnem okolju]
  88. Denac D
    Recognition of ecological traps for Whincat (Saxicola rubetra) in a mosaic of lowland habitat types using capture-recapture and daily nest survival methods
  89. Mulec Janez; Kosi Gorazd
    Lampenflora algae and methods of growth control
  90. Koce U; Denac D
    Habitat use by Whinchat (Saxiola rubetra) on spring migration at the stopover site on the SE Adriatic coast
  91. Denac D; Tome D
    Recognition of ecological traps for Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) in a mosaic of lowland habitat types
  92. Knap Nataša; Durmiši Emina; Saksida Ana; Korva Miša; Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Influence of climatic factors on dynamics of questing Ixodes ricinus ticks in Slovenia
  93. Tadina Nataša; Šraj Nina; Pongrac Paula; Regvar Marjana; Gaberščik Alenka
    The presence of mycorrhiza in different habitats of an intermittent aquatic ecosystem
  94. Korva Miša; Duh Darja; Puterle Ajda; Trilar Tomi; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    First molecular evidence of Tula hantavirus in Microtus voles in Slovenia
  95. Dole-Olivier M-J; Castellarini F; Coineau N; Galassi DMP; Martin P; Mori N; Valdecasas A; Gibert J
    Towards an optimal sampling strategy to assess groundwater biodiversity: comparison across six European regions
  96. Groth Casper; Hansen Jorgen; Piškur Jure
    A natural chimeric yeast containing genetic material from three species
  97. Boldiš V; Kocianova E; Štrus J; Tušek-Žnidarič M; Sparagano Olivier AE; Štefanidesova K; Špitalska E
    Rickettsial agents in Slovakian ticks (Acarina, Ixodidae) and their ability to grow in Vero and L929 cell lines
  98. Toman Mihael J
    Mokrišča - samočistilni habitati ali sekundarni viri obremenjevanja
  99. Gascoigne-Pees Martin; Trew Duncan; Pateman Jim; Verovnik Rudi
    The distribution, life cycle, ecology and present status of Leptidea morsei (Fenton 1882) in Slovenia with additional observations from Romania (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
  100. Gaberščik Alenka; Martinčič Andrej
    Razvoj rastlinske ekologije v Sloveniji: rastline skrajnih rastišč
    [The development of plant ecology in Slovenia: plants of extreme habitats]

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