biomedicina slovenica

vo="dogs" : 309

  1. Domanjko-Petrič Aleksandra; Tomšič Katerina
    Diagnostic methods of cardiomyopathy in dogs - old and new perspectives and methods
    [Diagnostične metode za ugotavljanje dilatacijske kardiomiopatije pri psih - pregled starih in novih pogledov in metod]
  2. Rozman Janez; Četina Bojana
    Electroneurograms recorded from the left vagus nerve of a dog
  3. Uršič M; Ravnik D; Hribernik M; Pečar J; Butinar J; Fazarinc G
    Gross anatomy of the portal vein and hepatic artery ramifications in dogs: corrosion cast study
  4. Nemec Ana; Pavlica Zlatko; Petelin Milan; Eržen Damjan; Crossley David A
    Fractured canine teeth in dogs in Slovenia: fractures types and treatments performed
  5. Rozman A; Košnik M
    Dog - induced anaphylaxis
  6. Tozon Nataša; Kodre Veronika; Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja
    Effective treatment of perianal tumors in dogs with electrochemotherapy
  7. Pavlica Z; Petelin M; Nemec A; Eržen D; Skalerič U
    Vpliv parodontitisa na celotno antioksidantno zmogljivost gingivalne tekočine in seruma pri psih
    [The influence of periodontitis on total antioxidant capacity in gingival crevicular fluid and serum in dogs]
  8. Zupan Igor; Krhin Blaž; Breskvar Urška; Zupan-Preložnik Irena; Rakovec Peter
    Effects of systolic atrial function on plasma renin activity and natriuretic peptide secretion after high rate atrial and ventricular pacing in dogs
  9. Rozman Janez; Ribarič Samo; Bunc Matjaž; Drevenšek Gorazd
    Modulation of a dog's internal organ function by selective stimulation of the splanchnic nerve
  10. Pavlica Z; Nemec A; Pogačnik A; Petelin M
    Vpliv parodontalne bolezni na patohistološka dogajanja v zobni pulpi pri psu
    [Histological changes in the dental pulp of dogs with periodontal diseases]
  11. Zupan I; Koželj M; Brecelj A; Rakovec P
    Sinus node dysfunction and impairment of global atrial conduction time after high rate atrial and ventricular pacing in dogs
  12. Starc Vito
    Effects of myogenic and metabolic mechanisms on the autoregulation of blood flow through muscle tissue: a mathematical model study
  13. Pavlica Zlatko; Petelin Milan; Nemec Alenka; Eržen Damjan; Skalerič Uroš
    Measurement of total antioxidant capacity in gingival crevicular fluid and serum in dogs with periodontal disease
  14. Zupan Igor
    Eksperimentalna kardiologija: električni, mehanični in nevrohumoralni učinki hitrega spodbujanja preddvorov pri raziskovalnem modelu na psih
  15. Rozman Janez; Bunc Matjaž
    Modulation of visceral function by selective stimulation of the left vagus nerve in dogs
  16. Rozman J; Mihić M; Bunc M; Princi T
    Modulation of PH in the stommach of a dog by selective stimulation of the left vagus nerve
  17. Zdovc Irena; Švara Tanja; Juntes Polona; Kotnik Tina; Ocepek Matjaž; Černe Manica; Pogačnik Milan
    The role of Aeromonas hydrophila bacterium as a causative agent of septicaemia in dogs
    [Vloga bakterije Aeromonas hydrophila kot povzročiteljice septikemije pri psih]
  18. Butinar Janoš; Mujagić Emir; Galac Sara
    The oestrus cycle in the bitch: a review article
    [Pojatveni ciklus pri psici]
  19. Duh Darja; Tozon Nataša; Petrovec Miroslav; Strašek Katja; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Canine babesiosis in Slovenia: molecular evidence of Babesia canis and Babesia canis vogeli
  20. Kodre Veronika; Tozon Nataša; Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja
    Electrochemotherapy with cisplatin or bleomycin: clinical experience in dogs with perianal tumors
  21. Rozman Aleš; Košnik Mitja
    Anafilaksa po stiku s pasjo slino
  22. Rozman J; Bunc M; Zorko B
    Modulation of hormone secretion by functional electrical stimulation of the intact and incompletely dysfunctional dog pancreas
  23. Petelin M; Pavlica Z; Batista Urška; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga; Skalerič U
    Effects of periodontal dressings on fibroblasts and gingival wound healing in dogs
  24. Pavčnik Dušan; Andrews Robert T; Yin Quiang; Uchida Barry T; Timmermans Hans A; Corless Christopher; Toyota Naoyuki; Nakata Manabu; Kaufman John; Keller Frederick S
    A canine model for studying endoleak after endovascular aneurysm repair
  25. Lakkawar AW; Nair MG; Varshney KC; Sreekrishnan R; Rao VN
    Pathology of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis in a German shepherd dog
    [Patologija pasje monocitne erlihioze pri nemškem ovčarju]
  26. Petelin M; Pogačnik A; Pavlica Z
    Primerjava celjenja rane na dlesni po uporabi gingivalne obveze ali brez nje pri psu pasme beagle
    [Comparison of gingival wound healing with and without dressing in the beagle dog]
  27. Švara T; Juntes P; Pogačnik M; Gombač M; Hostnik P
    Imunohistokemično dokazovanje virusnega antigena v organih psov pri parvovirozi
    [Immunohistochemical demonstration of parvoviral antigen in the organs of dogs with canine parvovirus]
  28. Tozon N; Štrbenc M; Fazarinc G
    Določanje limfocitov T v limfomatoznih bezgavkah psov s pomočjo protiteles proti humanemu antigenu CD3
    [Detection of canine T lymphocytes in lymphoma-affected lymph nodes using antibodies directed against the human CD3 antigen]
  29. Pavlica Z; Erjavec V; Eržen D; Petelin M
    A full-mouth radiographic survey of periodontal bone loss in dogs
  30. Domanjko-Petrič A; Stabej P; Žemva A
    Dilated cardiomyopathy in Doberman pinschers: survival, causes of death and a pedigree review in a related line
  31. Rukshin V; Azarbal B; Finkelstein A; Shah PK; Čerček B; Tsang V; Kaul J
    Effects of GPIIb/Iia receptor inhibitor tirofiban (aggrastat) in ex vivo canine arteriovenous shunt model of stent thrombosis
  32. Rukshin V; Shah PK; Čerček B; Finkelstein A; Tsang V; Kaul S
    Comparative antithrombotic effects of magnesium sulfate and platelet GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors, tirofiban and eptifibatide, in a canine model of stent thrombosis
  33. Bunc M; Šuput D; Rozman J
    Improved stimulation of motor nerve using quasitrapezoidal stimulating pulses
  34. Nemec Alenka; Pečar Jani; Seliškar Alenka; Kompan Lidija; Butinar Janoš
    Assessment of acid-base status and plasma lactate concentrations in arterial, mixed venous, and portal blood from dogs during experimental hepatic blood inflow occlusion
  35. Nemec A; Drobnič-Košorok M; Skitek M; Pavlica Z; Galac S; Butinar J
    Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) values and their correlation with individual antioxidants in serum of healthy beagles
  36. Tozon Nataša; Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Clinical and laboratory features of the first detected causes of A. phagocytophila infections in dogs from Slovenia
  37. Rozman J; Trlep M; Zorko B; Bunc M
    Stimulation of nerves innervating the pancreas of a dog
  38. Kus M; Zajc I
    Preteklost dalmatinca in kratkega istrskega goniča v luči genetike
  39. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Bunc Matjaž; Mikac Urša; Tegou Evangelia
    Recording of ENGs from the nerves innervating the pancreas of a dog during the intravenous glucose tolerance test
  40. Toškan Borut
    Prazgodovinska pasja lobanja z Ljubljanskega barja
    [Prehistoric dog skull from Ljubljansko barje]
  41. Zupan Igor; Koželj Mirta; Butinar Janos; Rakovec Peter
    Impaired sinus node function and global atrial conduction time after high rate atrial pacing in dogs
  42. Koželj Mirta; Zupan Igor; Butinar Janos; Seliškar Alenka; Rakovec Peter
    Ehocardiographic evaluation of regional left atrial function after rapid atrial pacing
  43. Lukanc B; Seliškar A; Pečar J; Butinar J
    Primerjava halotanske in kombinirane intravenske anestezije z midazolamom in butorfanolom pri psih
    [Halothane anaesthesia in comparison with combined intravenous anaesthesia by midazolam and butorphanol in dogs]
  44. Starčič Marjanca; Žgur-Bertok Darja; Gaastra Wim
    Virulenčni dejavniki sevov bakterije Escherichia coli, izoliranih iz psov z drisko
  45. Starčič Marjanca; Johnson James R; Stell Adam L; van der Goot Jeanet; Hendriks Henno GCJM; van Vorstenbosch Camillo; van Dijk Linda; Gaastra Wim
    Haemolytic Escherichia coli isolated from dogs with diarrhea have characteristics of both uropathogenic and necrotoxigenic strains
  46. Pavlica Z; Petelin M; Skalerič U
    Vpliv parodontalne bolezni na sistemsko zdravje rizične populacije psov
    [Influence of periodontal disease on systemic health in dogs]
  47. Kopač Igor; Cvetko Erika; Marion Ljubo
    Gingival inflammatory response induced by chemical retraction agents in beagle dogs
  48. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Bunc Matjaž; Žitko Mojca
    Stimulation of nerves innervating the dog's pancreas
  49. Fazarinc G; Uršič M; Lovšin E; Juntes P
    Parna sprednja velika dovodnica (vena cava cranialis dextra et sinistra) pri psu
    [Paried cranial venae cavae (vena cava cranialis dextra et sinistra) in the dog]
  50. Pleskovič A; Zorc-Pleskovič R; Vraspir-Porenta O; Zorc M; Petrovič D
    Colon mucosal cells after combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy
  51. Zupan Igor; Koželj Mirta; Brecelj Aleš; Rakovec Peter; Preložnik-Zupan Irena
    Left atrial systolic function in relation to electrical and mechanical remodeling in a canine model
  52. Kopač Igor; Cvetko Erika; Pavlica Zlatko; Marion Ljubo
    Gingival tissue inflammatory response following treatment with chemical retraction agents in Beagle dogs
  53. Rozman J; Zorko B; Bunc M; Žitko M
    Stimulation of nerves innervating the dog's pancreas
  54. Rozman Janez; Zorko B; Bunc M
    Recording of electroneurograms from the nerves innervating the pancreas of a dog
  55. Bunc Matjaž; Rozman Janez
    Electronic brace for the measurements and eliciting of muscle contractions in a dog's ankle
    [Elektronska opornica za pasivno gibanje pasje noge in meritev kontrakcije v pasjem kolenskem sklepu]
  56. Pavlica Z; Erjavec V; Petelin M
    Odpravljanje patoloških sprememb na četrtem zgornjem ličniku pri psu
    [Treatment of the injuried upper fourth premolar in the dog]
  57. Zajc I; Kus M
    Populacijska struktura Dalmatincev in Istrskih goničev ter njihovi evolicijski odnosi z nekaterimi drugimi pasmami, kot jih nakazujejo polimorfni mikrosateliti
    [Population structure of Dalmatians and Istrian shorthaired hounds and their evolutionary relationships to some other breeds as revealed by polymorphic microsatellites]
  58. Zajc I; Kus M
    Population structure and evolution trends in Dalmatians and Istrian shorthaired hounds as revealed by polymorphic microsatellites
  59. Zorc-Pleskovič R; Vraspir-Porenta O; Petrovič D; Zorc M; Pleskovič L
    Colon mucosal cells after high-dose fractional irradiation
  60. Pavčnik Dušan; Uchida BT; Timmermans H; Corless CL; Keller FS; Roesch J
    Aortic and venous valve for percutaneous insertion
  61. Ferko Alexander; Paral Jiri; Raupach Jan; Chovanec Vendelin; Krajina Antonin; Merička Pavel; Pavčnik Dušan; Uchida Barry; Sližova Daša; Krs Oto; Nožička Jan
    Autologous vein stent-graft: feasibility study
  62. Šochman Jan; Pelegrin Jan H; Pavčnik Dušan; Timmermans Hans; Roesch Josef
    Percutaneous transcatheter aortic disc valve prosthesis implantation: a feasibility study
  63. Pavčnik Dušan; Uchida Barry T; Timmermans Hans; Petersen Bryan; Loriaux Marc; Yamakado Koichiro; Voda Jan; Yin Qiang; Keller Frederick S; Roesch Josef
    Bifurcated drum occluder endograft for treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm: an experimental study in dogs
  64. Kopač I; Pavlica Z
    Horizontalni odmik proste dlesne po delovanju retrakcijskih sredstev - študija na psih
    [Horizontal displacement of free gingiva after treatment with retraction agents - a study on dogs]
  65. Pavčnik Dušan; Uchida Barry T; Timmermans Hans; Corless Christoper L; Loriaux Marc; Keller Frederick S; Roesch Josef
    The square stent-based large vessel occluder: an experimental pilot study
  66. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Bunc Matjaž
    Nerves innervating pancreas of a dog: stimulation and ENG recording
  67. Petelin M; Pavlica Z; Ivanuša T; Šentjurc M; Skalerič U
    Local delivery of liposome-encapsulated superoxide dismutase and catalase suppress periodontal inflammation in beagles
  68. Rozman J; Zorko B; Bunc M
    Stimulation of nerves innervating the pancreas of a dog
  69. Tozon Nataša; Čemažar Maja; Serša Gregor
    Electrochemotherapy: first treatment of mast cell tumour in a dog
  70. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Bunc Matjaž
    Selective recording of electroneurograms from the sciatic nerve of a dog with multi-electrode spiral cuffs
  71. Smerdel Sara; Grad Anton
    Pes - zvesti tovariš tudi v športu
  72. Rozman Janez; Suhadolnik Alojz
    Selective recording of information from nerves
  73. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Seliškar Alenka; Bunc Matjaž
    Selective recording of neuroelectric activity from the peripheral nerve
  74. Zajc I; Kus M
    Canine microsatellites as descriptions of population structure and evolution trends in dogs
  75. Rozman J; Milošev I; Jenko M
    Platinum stimulating electrodes in physiological media
  76. Fajdiga Marko
    Odpravljanje notranjih zajedalcev pri psih in mačkah
  77. Petelin M; Ivanuša T; Skalerič U
    Ocena izgube ali obnove čeljustne kosti s konvencionalno in računalniško podprto radiološko analizo
    [Alveolar bone loss or gain evaluation with conventional visual radiography and digital substraction radiography]
  78. Zorko B; Rozman J; Seliškar A
    Influence of electrical stimulation on regeneration of the radial nerve in dogs
  79. Rozman J; Zorko B; Seliškar A
    Regeneration of the radial nerve in a dog influenced by electrical stimulation
  80. Petelin M; Ivanuša T; Pavlica Z; Skalerič U
    Obnova čeljustne kosti po lokalnem dovajanju superoksidne dismutaze
    [Local delivery of superoxide dismutase stimulates alveolar bone regeneration]
  81. Sakaguchi Shoiji; Uchida Barry T; Timmermans Hans A; Pavčnik Dušan; Sakai Yukimasa; Keller Frederick S; Roesch Josef; Yin Qiang; Kichikawa Kimihiko; Uchida Hideo
    Twin-tube endografts for aortic aneurysms: an experimental feasibility study
  82. Stabej P; Domanjko-Petrič A
    Dilatativna kardiomiopatija pri psih
    [Dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs]
  83. Juntes P; Pogačnik M; Curk A
    Vrednotenje proliferacijske aktivnosti tumorjev mlečne žleze pri psicah z določanjem števila celic v mitozi in celic, imunoreaktivnih na PCNA
    [Evaluation of proliferative activity of the mammary gland tumours in dogs with the number of mitoses and the number of PCNA immunoreactive cells]
  84. Zdovc I; Bole-Hribovšek V; Ocepek M
    Primerjava fluorescenčne in svetlobne mikroskopije z gojiščno preiskavo v diagnostiki živalskih dermatofitoz
    [A comparison of fluorescent and light microscopy with fungal culture for the diagnosis of animal dermatophytosis]
  85. Rozman J; Zorko B; Bunc M
    Stimulation of pancreatic nerves of a dog
  86. Petelin Milan
    Učinek superoksidne dismutaze in katalaze na zdravljenje vnetja in obnovo obzobnih tkiv pri psih pasme beagle
  87. Zajc I; Sampson J
    Utility of canine microsatellites in revealing the relationships of pure bred dogs
  88. Vrečer Franc
    Zaključno poročilo o rezultatih raziskovalnega projekta v letu 1998: raziskave hidrodinamsko uravnoteženih farmacevtskih oblik z nadzorovanim sproščanjem
  89. Petelin Milan; Šentjurc Marjeta; Stolič Zorka; Skalerič Uroš
    EPR study of mucoadhesive ointments for delivery of liposomes into the oral mucosa
  90. Gadžijev EM; Stanisavljevič D; Mimica Z; Wahl M; Butinar J; Tomažič A
    Can we evalute the pressure of perihepatic packing? Results of a study on dogs
  91. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Seliškar Alenka
    Regeneration of the radial nerve in the dog influenced by electrical stimulation
  92. Snoj Marko
    Post-eperative adhesion formation after closing laparotomy by polydioxanone in dogs
  93. Zajc Irena; Sampson J
    Preverjanje starševstva pri čistokrvnih pasmah domačih psov s pomočjo raznolikih mikrosatelitov
    [Parentage testing in pure breeds of domestic doug using polymorphic microsatellites]
  94. Zajc Irena
    Pomen raziskovanja genoma domačega psa
  95. Kramar B; Petelin M; Pavlica Z; Skalerič U
    TNF-alfa v gingivalni tekočini in serumu psov z eksperimentalnim parodontitisom
    [TNF-alpha in the gingival fluid and serum of dogs with experimental periodontitis]
  96. Petelin M; Šentjurc M; Skalerič U
    Raziskava lastnosti hidrogelov za lokalno dovajanje učinkovin na ustno sluznico
    [Study of the properties of hydrogels used for local delivery of drugs to the oral mucosa]
  97. Jarc Marjeta; Sršen Irena
    Mikroskopija pri psih in mačkah na mariborskem območju
    [Microsporum canis infection in cats and dogs in Maribor]
  98. Černe Manica; Tozon Nataša
    Nokardiozni plevritis pri psih
  99. Zdovc Irena
    Koagulazno pozitivni stafilokoki na koži psov
    [Coagulase positive staphilococci on the canine skin]
  100. Ivanuša Teodora; Babić Ankica; Pogačnik Azra; Petelin Milan; Pavlica Zlatko; Skalerič Uroš
    Monitoring of alveolar bone loss in experimental periodontitis in dogs

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