biomedicina slovenica


  1. Sibinovska Nadica; Kristan Katja; ªakelj Simon
    Suitability and reliability of in vitro epithelial cell models for nasal and pulmonary drug permeability determination
    [Ustreznost in zanesljivost in vitro epitelijskih celi§nih modelov za dolo§anje nazalne in pulmonalne permeabilnosti zdravilnih u§inkovin]
  2. Kos Janko
    Analytics of biopharmaceutics in multiparticulate systems
  3. Peternel ¨pela; Liovi­ Mirjana
    Production of recombinant proteins in bacteria: the inclusion bodies formation and their use in biomedicine
  4. Beli§ A; ¨krjanc I; Bo«i§-Zupan§i§ D; Karba R; Vre§er F
    Minimisation of the capping tendency by tableting process optimisation with the application of artificial neural networks and fuzzy models
  5. Mavsar-Najdenov Brigita; Koder Barbara; Grabnar Iztok; Mrhar Ale©
    Analiza u§inkovitosti in varnosti zdravljenja z vankomicinom
    [Vancomycin treatment: analysis of efficacy and safety]
  6. Mavsar-Najdenov Brigita; Kozjek Franc; ¦i«man Milan; Grabnar Iztok
    Poraba protimikrobnih zdravil v Splo©ni bolni©nici Jesenice v obdobju od 1998 do 2004
    [Use of antibacterial drugs in Jesenice general hospita§ in years 1998 to 2004]
  7. Smilovi­ Vanja
    Razvoj celi§ne linije za dolo§anje biolo©ke aktivnosti interferonov
    [Development of cell line suitable for the determination of biological activity of interferons]
  8. ¨trukelj Borut
    Novosti na podro§ju biotehnologije
  9. Trejtnar F; Lazni§kova A; Lazni§ek M
    Use of the perfused rat kidney model in biopharmaceutics studies
  10. Vre§er F; Pauli V
    Study of physical and chemical stability of piroxicam loaded onto silica
  11. Vre§er F; Kramar A
    Study of pentoxifylline release from matrix tablets based on cellulose ethers
  12. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 1st world meeting on pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics, pharmaceutical technology, 7th international conference on pharmaceutical technology, 41st annual congress of APV; 1995 May 9-11; Budapest
  13. Kozjek F
    Od zamisli do zdravila
    [From an idea to a new drug]
  14. Pe§ar S
    Citostatiki: kemobiodinami§ni mehanizmi delovanja

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