biomedicina slovenica


  1. Hribar Maruša
    Vpliv tumor nekroznega faktorja alfa na mikrovascularne endotelne celice
    [Activities of tumor necrosis factor-alpha on microvascular endothelial cells]
  2. Mandić-Mulec Ines; Prohinar Polona; Draškovič Irena; Weiss Jerrold
    Inaktivacija gena ompR poviša občutljivost bakterije Escherichia coli na antibiotik BPI
    [ompR mutant of Escherichia coli shows increased sensitivity to the bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI)]
  3. Sonc Monika
    Protitumorne učinkovine in sekundarni tumorji kot posledica kemoterapije
  4. Tournade MF; Com-Nougue C; Voute PA; Lemerle J; de Kraker J; Delemarre JFM; Burgers M; Habrand JL; Moorman CGM; Jereb B
    Results of the 6th international society of pediatric oncology Wilms' tumor trial and study: a risk-adapted therapeutic approach in Wilms' tumor

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