biomedicina slovenica


  1. Bricelj Katja; Kocijan Juš; Podbregar Matej; Lučovnik Miha
    Near-infrared spectroscopy of the placenta for monitoring fetal oxygenation during labour
  2. Danieli Aljoša; Bajrović Fajko
    Vpliv vzdržljivostnega treninga na upočasnitev srčne frekvence in njene variabilnosti po submaksimalnem naporu pri odraslih preiskovancih
    [The effect of endurance training on heart rate deceleration and variability after submaximal exercise in adult subjects]
  3. Prijon Ticijana; Ermenc Branko
    Morphology and risk factors for blunt aortic trauma in car accidents - an autopsy study
  4. Dolinšek Jernej; Urlep Žužej Darja; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    Kronične bolečine v trebuhu v otroški dobi
    [Chronic abdominal pain in childhood]
  5. Popovič M; Klun B
    Dangeres of head injuries at fractures of the skull base
  6. Popović Miodrag A
    Akceleracijsko-deceleracijski zlomi lobanjskega dna: eksperimentalna študija
  7. Urlep D; Dolinšek J; Mičetić-Turk D
    Zdravljenje kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni otrok in mladostnikov
  8. Popović Miodrag; Klun Boris; Heraković Niko; Noe Dragica
    The acceleration-deceleration fractures of the skull base - an experimental study
  9. Urlep-Žužej Darja
    Pomen, uporabnost in diagnostična vrednost neinvazivnih diagnostičnih metod kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni v pediatriji
  10. Tyczynski Jerzy E; Plesko Ivan; Aareleid Tiiu; Primic-Žakelj Maja; Dalmas Miriam; Kurtinaitis Juozas; Stengrevics Aivars; Maxwell-Parkin D
    Breast cancer mortality patterns and time trends in 10 new EU member states: mortality declining in young women, but still increasing in the elderly
  11. Tyczynski Jerzy E; Bray Freddie; Aareleid Tiiu; Dalmas Miriam; Kurtinaitis Juozas; Pleško Ivan; Pompe-Kirn Vera; Stengrevics Aivars; Maxwell-Parkin D
    Lung cancer mortality patterns in selected central, eastern and southern European countries
  12. Borovšak Zvonko; Zorko Nuša
    Udarnina pljuč in akutna dihalna stiska pri odraslih - ARDS
    [Pulmonary contusion and adult respiratory distress syndrom - ARDS]
  13. Popovič Milan; Klun Boris
    Nevarnosti poškodbe glave pri zlomih baze lobanje
    [Dangeres of head injuries at the fractures of the skull base]
  14. Antolič V; Stražar K; Pompe B; Pavlovčič V; Vengust R; Stanič U; Jeraj J
    Increased muscle stiffness after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - memory on injury?
  15. Domazet-Fink Jadranka; Pestevšek Maja; Novak-Antolič Živa
    Fetomaternalna krvavitev - diferencialna diagnostika ob prikazu primera
    [Fetomaternal haemorrhage - differential diagnosis - case report]
  16. Pompe B; Stražar K; Antolič V; Stanič U; Pavlovčič V; Vengust R; Jeraj J
    Impaired proprioception after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
  17. Štefančič Marija; Tomazo-Ravnik Tatjana
    Fifty-two years of secular trend in Ljubljana school children
  18. Verovnik Franc
    Ehografska evaluacija funkcije lijevog atrija poslije konverzije fibrilacije atrija
  19. Kek A; Verhovec R
    Odkrivanje zgodnjih aterosklerotičnih sprememb na perifernih arterijah: poskus opredelitve razširjenosti aterosklerotičnega procesa in vpliva dejavnikov tveganja
    [Detection of early atherosclerotic changes of peripheral arteries: determining the extent of atherosclerotic process and effects of risk factors]

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