biomedicina slovenica

"Hepatociti" : 15

  1. Spormann Luise; Ott F; Volke D; Blagotinšek Cokan Kaja; Juvan Peter; Brosch M; Hofmann U; Hoffmann Rasmus; Rozman Damjana; Berg T; Matz-Soja Madlen
    The sexual dimorphism of primary murine hepatocytes changes during cultivation
  2. Marbach-Breitrück Eugenia; Matz-Soja Madlen; Abraham Ute; Schmidt-Heck Wolfgang; Sales Susanne; Rennert Christiane; Kern Matthias; Aleithe Susanne; Spormann Luise; Rozman Damjana
    Tick-Tock Hedgehog-Mutual crosstalk with liver circadian clock promotes liver steatosis
  3. Cvitanović Tanja; Reichert Matthias C.; Moškon Miha; Mraz Miha; Lammert Frank; Rozman Damjana
    Large-scale computational models of liver metabolism
  4. Abstracts from the 14th European ISSX meeting, June 26-29, 2017, Cologne, Germany
  5. Čapek Martin; Banič Blaž; Janáček Jiří; Šuput Dušan; Milisav Irina
    Analysis of microscopic images of rat hepatocytes at different oxygenating conditions
  6. Banič Blaž; Milisav Irina
    Vpliv dimetilsulfoksida na stresni odziv primarnih podganjih jetrnih celic in njihova občutljivost na nodularin
    [Effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on stress response of primary rat hepatocytes and their sensitivity to nodularin]
  7. Lorbek Gregor; Perše Martina; Jeruc Jera; Juvan Peter; Gutiérrez Mariscal Francisco Miguel; Lewinska Monika; Gebhardt Rolf; Keber Rok; Horvat Simon; Bjorkhem Ingemar; Rozman Damjana
    Lessons from hepatocyte-specific cyp51 knockout mice
  8. Trdan Lušin Tina; Trontelj Jurij
    In vitro modeli za preučevanje metabolizma učinkovin v jetrih
    [In vitro models for investigation of drug metabolism in the liver]
  9. Gutnik Helena
    Chronic liver congestion
    [(Congestio hepatis chronica)]
  10. Gutnik Helena
    Micronodular liver cirrhosis
    [(Cirrhosis hepatis micronodularis)]
  11. Hafner Mateja; Juvan Peter; Režen Tadeja; Monostory Katalin; Pascussi Jean-Marc; Rozman Damjana
    The human primary hepatocyte transciptome reveals novel insights into atorvastatin and rosuvastatin action
  12. Vrabl K
    Biosinteza sterolov in celični cikel pri kvasovki Saccharomyces cerevisiae in pri človeških nesmrtnih hepatocitih
    [Sterol biosynthesis and the cell cycle of yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae and human hepatoma cells]
  13. Veranič P
    Razgradnja endomembranskega sistema po prenehanju stimulacije vitelogeneze v hepatocitih rib zeber
  14. Veranič P; Pipan N
    Vpliv spodbujane vitelogeneze na ultrastrukturne spremembe v hepatocitih rib zebric (Branchydanio rerio)
    [The effect of stimulated vitellogenesis of ultrastructural changes of zebra fish (Branchydanio rerio)]
  15. Veranič Peter
    Vpliv spodbujene sinteze glikoproteina vitelogenina in peroksisomskih proteinov na spremembe endomembranskih prostorov v hepatocitih rib zebric

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