biomedicina slovenica

"Publiciranje" : 7

  1. Bregar Branko; Rašić Jure
    Pregled publiciranja izbranih bibliografskih enot visokošolskih učiteljev strokovnih predmetov zdravstvene nege
    [A review of publishing selected bibliographic units by lecturers of professional subjects in the study programme of nursing]
  2. Hojs Radovan
    European journal of internal medicine (EJIM) - uradna revija Evropskega združenja za interno medicino (kratka predstavitev)
    [European journal of internal medicine (EJIM) - official journal of the European federation of internal medicine]
  3. Skela-Savič Brigita
    Publiciranje v zdravstveni negi
    [Publishing in nursing]
  4. Miholič Petruša; Južnič Primož
    Socialna medicina v procesu znanstvenega komuniciranja: pregled del avtorjev s področja socialne medicine v Science citation index in Social sciences citation index
    [Social medicine in the process of scientific communication: the overview of the publications of the authors in the field of social medicine in Science citation index and Social sciences citation index]
  5. Miholič Petruša
    Znanstveno komuniciranje in elektronske publikacije
    [Scholarly communication and electronic publication]
  6. Miholič Petruša
    Znanstveno publiciranje v slovenskem prostoru
    [Scientific publication in Slovenia]
  7. Odintsov Victor V; Fedorov Igor V
    The development of endoscopic surgery in the Republic of Tatarstan
    [Razvoj endoskopske kirurgije v Republiki Tatarstan]

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