biomedicina slovenica

"FUCOSE" : 4

  1. Bratanič Borut
    Novejša spoznanja o zaščitni funkciji ženskega mleka
    [Recent data about protective function of human milk]
  2. Cencič Avrelija; Hennry Celine; Lefevre Francois; Huet Jean Claude; Koren Srečko; La Bonnardiere Claude
    The porcine trophoblastic interferon-gamma, secreted by a polarized epithelium, has specific structural and biochemical properties
  3. Vodopivec Boris
    Spremembe v stromi pri maligni preobrazbi polupoidnih adenomov širokega črevesa in danke
    [The stromal changes associated with the malignant change of colorectal polypoid adenomas]
  4. Žigić M; Djurić O; Djurdjić V; Mandić Lj
    Sadržaj glikoproteina i seromukoida kod nekih plućnih bolesti
    [Concentrations of serum glycoprotein and seromucoid in several pulmonary diseases]

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