biomedicina slovenica

vo="CR" : 40

  1. Us J
    Lymphography as a diagnostic procedure - yes or no?
  2. Auersperg M; Zorc-Pleskovič R; Us-Krašovec M; Vraspir-Porenta O
    DNA measurements and cytomorphology - a basis for planning chemotherapy in anaplastic giant-cell carcinoma of the thyroid
  3. Jevtić V
    Ocjena artrografske vrijednosti neionskog kontrastnog sredstva iohexola
    [Evaluation of non-ionic contrast medium iohexol in arthography]
  4. Kveder T; Rozman B
    Avidity of anti-DNA antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematodes
  5. Bunta Stjepan; Rems Dušan; Arzenšek Jože; Lukačić-Rančević Jasna
    Vpliv termomineralne vode vrtine Mt-2 v Rimski čardi na zdravljenje psoriaze: rezultati klinične študije
    [The influence of thermal mineral water from the Mt-2 well in Rimska čarda on the treatment of psoriasis]
  6. Mermolja M; Mušič-Mivšek E; Debeljak A
    Fagocitne sposobnosti alveolarnih makrofaga u različitih bolesti plućnog intersticijuma
  7. Fortič B
    Hemoterapija tuberkuloze - novi aspekti u kliničkoj praksi
  8. Guna V
    Vegetativni sindrom u respiratorno ugroženih bolesnika sa Guillain-Barre-ovim sindromom
  9. Petrun-Ulaga M
    Simpatikoadrenalni odgovor organizma na kirurški stres med anestezijo s ketaminom in z midazolamom ali diazepamom v primerjavi s halotanom in z dušikovim oksidulom
  10. Felc Z
    Vpliv kontinuirane in interminentne fototerapije na nespecifično hiperbilirubinemijo novorojencev
  11. Strojan J
    Dermatoze pri delavcih, ki so izpostavljeni umetnim snovem
  12. Pegan V; Jelenc F; Gadžijev E
    Holedohoskopija - naša iskustva
    [Choledochoscopy - our experiences]
  13. Budihna M; Furlan L; Šmid L
    Carcinoma of the nasopharynx: results of radiation treatment and some prognostic factors
  14. Grad Anton; Pohar Bojan; Možina Martin; Horvat Matija
    Preizkušanje zdravil pri bolnikih s prekapilarno pljučno hipertenzijo
    [Drugs trial in patients with precapillary pulmonary hypertension]
  15. Grošelj Jože
    Vloga reoencefalografije in elektroencefalografije v psihiatriji
    [The role of rheoencephalography and electroencephalography in psychiatry]
  16. Robida Amdrej; Fettich Darja
    Kateterizacija srca in angiokardiografija pri otrocih v Sloveniji v letih 1963 do 1984
    [Heart catheterization and angiography in children in Slovenia in years 1963-1984]
  17. Manohin Aleksander
    Razpoznava in razvrstitev zožitev grla in sapnika s pljučnimi funkcijskimi preiskavami
    [Possibilities of diagnosing obstructions of the throat and trachea with functional investigations of the lungs]
  18. Neubauer David; Erjavec Marija
    Vzorci dihanja in srčnega ritma pri novorojenčkih in povezava z neonatalno apnejo
    [Breathing and heart rate patterns in newborns associated with neonatal apnoea]
  19. Keber Irena; Fettich Jure; Keber Dušan
    Majhna povezanost med telesno zmogljivostjo in iztisnim deležem levega prekata
    [Poor correlation between exercise capacity and the left ventricular ejection fraction]
  20. Peternel P; Videčnik V; Keber D
    Pogostnost bolezenskih sprememb na vratnih arterijah pri bolnikih z zaporo centralnih retinalnih žil
    [The frequency of carotid artery disease in patients with central retinal vessel occlusions]
  21. Poredoš P; Videčnik V; Šurlan M; Miklavčič L
    Lokalno zdravljenje arterijskih zapor v spodnjih udih s streptokinazo in plazminogenom.
    [(Local treatment of peripheral arterial occlusive disease with streptokinase and plasminogen)]
  22. Videčnik V; Šurlan M; Keber D
    Vpliv intraarterijskih majhnih doz streptokinaze na koagulacijo in fibrinolizo
    [The effect of intraarterial low dose streptokinase on coagulation and fibrinolysis]
  23. Grad A; Kranjec I; Fettich J; Vreča I; Horvat M
    Aktivnost serumskih encimov, iztisni delež levega prekata pri zdravljenju svežega srčnega infarkta s streptokinazo
    [Serum enzymes activity, left ventricular ejection fraction in patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with streptokinase]
  24. Mićić J; Popović V; Jezernik M; Micić D; Nešović M; Kandereški A
    Primena Na-Valproata posle selektivne transfenoidalne adenektomije u bolesnika sa M. Cushing. (Treatment with Na-Valproate of a patient with M. Cushing's following the selective transphenoidal adenectomy)
  25. Fazarinc F
    Ocenjevanje globalne in segmentalne viabilnosti miokarda pri ishemični bolezni srca s pasovno opredeljeno sektorsko analizo talijevega scintigrama
  26. Kržišnik C
    Glikozilirani hemoglobini v frakcijah eritrocitov različne starosti - novi parameter metabolne urejenosti diabetičnih otrok in mladostnikov.
    [Glycosylated hemoglobins in fractions of erythrocytes of different age - the new parameter of metabolic control in diabetic children and adolescents]
  27. Remškar Z; Jerše M
    Analiza kombinovanog lečenja hronične opstruktivne plućne bolesti
    [Analysis of combined treatment of exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease]
  28. Šušković Stanislav; Jurčič Borut; Furlan Jana
    Zdravljenje astmatikov s tabletami retardnega aminofilina
    [Treatment of asthmatic patients by slow-release aminophylline tablets]
  29. Kuhelj J; Robič V; Cevc P
    Usporedba uspješnosti Manchesterskog i modificiranog Henschkejevog after load sistema kod liječenja karcinoma colli uteri
    [Comparison of efficiency of Machester and modified Henschke's after load system in intracavitary treatment of carcinoma colli uteri]
  30. Rudolf Z
    Treatment of malignant melanoma with human leukocyte interferon-preliminary results of randomized trial
  31. Burgers JMV; Tournade MF; Bey P; Buerger D; Carli M; Delemarre JFM; Harms D; Jereb B; de Kraker J; Lemerle J; Moorman-Voestermans CGM; Perry H; Rey A; Sandstedt B; Sarrazin D; Voute PA; Zucker JM
    Abdominal recurrences in Wilms' tumours: A report from the SIOP Wilms' tumour trials and studies
  32. Babnik Janez; Zupan Jelka; Prevorčnik Ana
    Primerjava intramuskularne resorpcije dveh različnih preparatov vitamina E pri nedonošenčku
    [Comparison of intramucular resorption of two different vitamin E preparations in preterm infants]
  33. Šinkovec Matjaž; Antolič Gorazd; Ružič-Medvešček Nada; Bardorfer Igor; Janežič Aleksander
    Obremenitveni elektrokardiogram in koronarografija pri preiskovancih z bolečino v prsnem košu
    [Exercise electrocardiogram and coronarography in patients with thoracic pain]
  34. Kožuh M; Andolšek L; Allonen H
    A randomized comparative trial of Nova-T and TCu200Ag in Yugoslavia
  35. Strojan Milan
    Zgodnje odkrivanje nefrotoksičnosti gentamicina pri otrocih
    [Early detection of nephrotoxicity of gentamycin in children]
  36. Rode P; Zupančič I; Peterec D; Horvat M
    Pozni prekatni potenciali kot predznak prekatnih aritmij
    [Late ventricular potentials as an indicator of ventricular arrhythmias]
  37. Teppy Herman
    Označevalci virusa hepatitisa B pri alkoholikih in klinično zdravih otročnicah
    [Hepatitis B virus markers in alcoholics and clinically healthy women]
  38. Rozman Blaž; Jevtić Vladimir; Budihna Nataša; Kastelic-Klasinc Cvetka; Kos-Golja Mojca
    Standardizacija diagnostičnega postopka za dokaz sakroiliitisa
    [Standardization of the diagnostic procedure for sacroiliitis]
  39. Kolarić K; Potrebica V; Stanovnik M
    Controlled phase III clinical study of 4-epi-doxorubicin + 5-fluorouracil versus 5-fluorouracil alone in metastatic gastric and rectosigmoid cancer
  40. Karrer K; Denck H; Toomes H; Orel J; Bruno MF
    Combined chemo-surgical treatment of oat-cell carcinoma

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