biomedicina slovenica

vo="ES" : 26

  1. Jezernik K; Pipan N
    Lectin-binding pattern in parotid acinar cells: the fracture-labelling method and post-embedding staining
  2. Pipan N; Sterle M
    Cytochemical and scanning electron-microscopic analysis of apoptotic cells and their phagocytosis in mucoid epitheliumof the mouse stomach
  3. Čarman-Kržan M
    Regulation of membrane histamine H1-receptor binding sites by guanine nucleotides, mono- and divalent cations
  4. Pope-Toth K
    Promjene tjelesne težine, strukture i funkcije nadbubrežnih žlijezda i gonada u pubertetu
  5. Sterle M; Ellinger A; Pipan N
    Lokalizacija galaktoze in N-acetil-D-galaktozamina z lektinoma RCA I in HPA v žleznih celicah mišjega želodca. "Post-embedding" metoda
  6. Bajd B; Pipan N
    Markiranje prostih plazmalem izoliranih črevesnih celic miši za elektronsko mikroskopijo pred vklapljanjem v epon
  7. Jezernik K; Sterle M; Pipan N
    Interakcije membran po aplikaciji monenzina
  8. Pšeničnik M; Pipan N; Jezernik K
    Rezane replike v povezavi s citokemično analizo ultratankih rezin
  9. Pokorn Dražigost
    Vpliv etilnega alkohola na praznjenje želodca pri podganah
    [Effect of ethanol upon gastric emptying in rats]
  10. Koren S; Fleischmann WR Jr
    Quantitation of in vivo potentiation resulting from combined interferon therapy: antitumor effect against B-16 melanoma in mice
  11. Koren S; Klimpel GR; Fleischmann WR Jr
    Treatment of mice with macrophage colony stimulating factor (CSF-1) prevents the in vivo myelosuppression induced by murine alpha, beta, and gamma interferons
  12. Zorec R
    Značilnosti nekaterih beljakovin-kanalčkov v membrani spinalnega nevrona podgane v celični kulturi. (Channel properties of rat spinal neurones grown in cell culture)
  13. Kocjan D; Hodošček M; Hadži D
    Dopaminergic pharmacophore of ergoline and its analogues. A molecular electrostatic potential study
  14. Šentjurc M; Schara M; Prelesnik T; Nemec M; Demšar F
    The influence of laser irradiation on erythrocyte membrane fluidity.
  15. Jezernik K; Pipan N
    Vpliv stimulirane sekrecije na tesne stike acinusnih celic parotide.
    [The influence of stimulated secretion on the tight junction in parotid acinar cells]
  16. Zorko M; Pavlič MR
    Multiple binding of D-tubocurarine to acetylcholinesterease
  17. Sket D; Brzin M
    Effects of HI-6, applied into the cerebral ventricles, on the inhibition of brain acetylcholinesterase by soman in rats
  18. Bulog B
    Diferenciranost senzoričnih epitelov v notranjem ušesu pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus Laur.)
  19. Milavec-Križman M; Wagner H; Jesenovec N
    Lipolitični učinek izoprenalina na izoliranih maščobnih celicah podgane, budre, psa in človeka. (The lipolytic effect of isoprenaline on isolated rat, guinea pig, dog and human fat cells)
  20. Erjavec F; Irman-Florjanc T
    The degradation of histamine in some animal species
  21. Stanovnik L; Logonder-Mlinšek M; Erjavec F
    The effect of compound 48/80, substance P and pentagastrin on the isolated guinea pig atrium
  22. Murn Milica; Salom Lala; Morela Vesna; Hršak Vladimir
    Raziskave vpliva Armitona na očesno veznico kunca
    [Study of influence of Armiton on rabbit eye conjunctive]
  23. Šašel Barbara
    Vpliv avtonomnega živčevja na spontane prekatne motnje srčnega ritma pri ljudeh
    [Influence of the autonomic nervous system on spontaneous ventricular extrasystoles in man]
  24. Šuput Dušan
    Vpliv NH4Cl na intracelularni pH fragmentov skeletnih mišičnih vlaken
    [Effects of NH4Cl on intracellular pH of skeletal muscle fibre fragments]
  25. Logar Jernej
    Učinek spiramicina, klindamicina in trimetroprim-sulfametoksazola na miših, inficiranih s Toxoplasma gondii
    [Effect of spiramycin, clindamycin and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole on mice infected with Toxoplasma gondii]
  26. Kraševec J
    Raziskava termalnega vrelca v Radani vasi pri Zrečah. (Balneološka, sanitarnokemična in mikrobiološka analiza ter predvidene možnosti rekreacijske uporabe)

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