Author/Editor | Kersnik, Janko; Demšar, Martina; Švab, Igor | |
Title | Development of a questionnaire on patient satisfaction with emergency medical interventions | |
Translated title | Izdelava vprašalnika za merjenje zadovoljstva bolnikov s službo nujne medicinske pomoči na terenu | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Zdrav Vars | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 42, št. 3 | |
Publication year | 2003 | |
Volume | str. 110-5 | |
Language | eng | |
Abstract | Aims: In the last decade, we have been faced with important changes in the organisation of out-of-hours health services. In Slovenia, prehospital units were set up to intervene on the site of an accident or emergency. Since patient satisfaction with prehospital emergency medical services (EMS) seems to be a neglected area of research, we developed and tested a postal questionnaire asking patients about their satisfaction with EMS. We expected that patient satisfaction with EMS would be high, and that some areas that would need improvement would be identified. Methods: We studied a random sample of 377 patients provided EMS in the Kranj health region, Slovenia, in 1998. The questionnaire consisted of patient data and questions on patient satisfaction with the EMS received. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 239 subjects (response rate 70.9%). There were 13i (54.80 men and 108 (45.5% women, aged 18 to 91 years, mean age 52.4 years (sd 17.8 years). The reason for emergency medical intervantion was a disease in 109 (45.0%) cases, traffic accident in 73 (30.5%) and some other accident in 39 (16.3 %) cases; other reasons were stated in 18 (7.5%) cases. In 75 (31.4 %) cases, the intervention took place during the night, and in 147 (61:5 %) during the day. The reliability (Cronbach Alpha) of the scale measuring patient satisfaction with EMS intervention was 0.8243. The satisfaction scores ranged from 38 to 100 points (out of max. 100 possible); the mean score was 88.7 (sd = 11.3): Conclusions: The results showed an acceptable level of reliability of the questionnaire and a relatively high rate of patient satisfaction with EMS. | |