Author/Editor     Rebol, Janez; Pšeničnik, Stanko
Title     Prostorski ultrazvok glave in vratu
Translated title     Three-dimensional ultrasound of the head and neck
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 72, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. III-27-30
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Only few reports have been published about the use of the three-dimensional ultrasound in the field of otorhinolaryngology. With conventional ultrasound investigation usually enough information can be obtained. One of the most important ultrasound applications in otorhinolaryngology is investigation inpatients with head and neck tumors to establish the extent of metastatic disease. Methods. In the article we present our experience with threedimensional ultrasound. We used it in patients with head and neck tumors, where we established the volume of lymph nodes and their relations to the carotid artery and jugular vein. We also established the volumes of the oral cavity tumors and made a comparison with the T cathegory of TNM classification of malignant tumors. Results and conclusions. The average size of all tumors was 9,6 cm3. We found the significant correlation between the tumor volumes and T cathegory (p < 0,05). Despite the fact that not all tumors in the field of otorhinolaryngology are accesiblefor the ultrasound investigation, we think that the tumor volume could be an important parameter in the treatment of patients with head and neck tumors. Three-dimensional ultrasound offers us also better possibilities to recognise the metastatic infiltration of major vessels on three orthogonal planes. One of the important advantages of three-dimensional ultrasoun is also in the possibility of digital recording of the obtained data.
Summary     Izhodišča. Poročila o rabi 3D (prostorskega) ultrazvoka v področju otorinolaringologije so skromna. Večino podatkov potrebnih za diagnozo bolezni v ORL področju lahko dobimo z običajno ultrazvočno preiskavo. Ena od pomembnejših aplikacij je ocena bezgavk na vratu pri bolnikih z malignomi. Metode. V prispevku predstavljamo naše izkušnje s prostorskim ultrazvokom, ki smo ga uporabili pri oceni metastaz na vratu in ugotavljali njihovo prostornino in odnos do večjih žil. Ugotavljali smo tudi prostornino tumorjev ustne votline in jo primerjali s kategorijo T klasifikacije malignih tumorjev TNM. Rezultati in zaključki. Ugotovili smo korelacijo med prostornino tumorjev ustne votline in kategorijo T, ki je statistično značilna (p < 0,05). Povprečna velikost tumorja je bila 9,6 cm3. Prostorski prikaz primarnih tumorjev v ORL področju se omejuje na slinavke in ustno votlino, ker ostala področja ultrazvočno niso dostopna. Izračunana prostornina tumorja je lahko pomembna pri načrtovanju zdravljenja in ocenjevanju njenega učinka. Na vratu je večravninski prikaz pomemben, ker z njim lažje ocenimo odnos do velikih žil in njihovo morebitno infiltracijo. Pomembna je tudi možnost digitalnega shranjevanja podatkov in njihove reprodukcije.