Author/Editor     Jurc, F
Title     Problematika zdravstvenega varstva v prometu s posebnim ozirom na zračni promet
Type     članek
Source     In: Modic S, ed. Seminar Zdravstveno varstvo v prometu v Republiki Sloveniji s posebnim poudarkom na cestnem prometu. Promet 6. Ljubljana: Univerzitetni inštitut za medicino dela, prometa in športa,
Publication year     1990
Volume     str. 41-53
Language     slo
Abstract     In Yugoslavia security in air traffic is legally defined on the federal level and according to international conventions. In Slovenia, however, the republican jurisdiction over health security in air traffic and its continuous supervision in not defined by law. Due to this fact, health security of sports pilots, gliders, parashute jumpers and other participants in air traffic is not well coordinated and rationalized. There is no research, the supervision is inefficient and accidents are not thoroughly investigated. Therefore, a check should be kept on the training of sports pilots, gliders, hang glider pilots, parachute jumpers and balloon pilots, as well as on the suitability of first-aid organization during the time of their training.