Author/Editor     Kogovšek, Janja; Petrič, Metka
Title     Tracing tests as a tool for the estimation of possible impacts of human activities on karst waters - examples from Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: ICGGE 2003. 1st international conference on Groundwater in geological engineering; 2003 Sep 22-26; Bled. Bled: ,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 1-13
Language     eng
Abstract     Different human activities often have negative impacts on the sensitive karstic environments, especially on karst waters. To protect them properly we should %rst have as much information as possible about the extent of the recharge zones and characteristics of the groundwater flow. In our practice the tracing tests were proved as a very useful tool for the acquisition of such information. Three examples from Slovenia are presented in the article. In the first the possible impacts of the activities on the military training area and in the third of the railway construction on regionally important water resources were studied. In the second the danger of water pollution by the spill from the repository of oil derivatives was estimated. Besides the basic information about directions and velocities of groundwater flow also some methodological principles were indicated by performed tests. In all three tests the sampling was continued in a longer period also after the detection of the peak concentration. Obtained results indicate that only with such longlasting tracing test it is possible to define certain flow paths which are activated at extreme hydrological conditions.
Descriptors     WATER POLLUTANTS