Author/Editor     Modic, S
Title     Uresničevanje prioritetnih nalog zdravstvenega varstva pri obvladovanju cestnega travmatizma
Type     članek
Source     In: Modic S, editor. Promet 6. Seminar Zdravstveno varstvo v prometu v Republiki Sloveniji s posebnim poudarkom na cestnem prometu. Ljubljana: Univerzitetni inštitut za medicino dela, prometa in športa,
Publication year     1990
Volume     str. 87-107
Language     slo
Abstract     The conclusions, viewpoints and proposals related to the formulation of a professional doctrine, the definition of priority problems and tasks, and a proposal of activities and precautions for controlling the epidemic of road traumatism are given, with special regard to the tasks of health services, especially active health protection in road traffic. It has been concluded that the Slovene society and Slovene authorities are not yet aware of the human tragedies and economic losses which are the result cf this epidemic. The present state of road traffic traumatism shows that there have been no serious endeavours made by all components of society on all levels to prepare adequate program of measures and activities for controlling this epidemic. It is estimated that less than 25 per cent of the funds used to cover the damage caused by this epidemic would be needed for this programme.
Descriptors     ACCIDENTS, TRAFFIC