Author/Editor     Rozman-Perko, D; Jelčić, D; Modic, S
Title     Raven in dinamika prometnih nezgod v SFR Jugoslaviji po republikah in pokrajinah, 1976-1988
Type     članek
Source     In: Modic S, editor. Promet 6. Seminar Zdravstveno varstvo v prometu v Republiki Sloveniji s posebnim poudarkom na cestnem prometu. Ljubljana: Univerzitetni inštitut za medicino dela, prometa in športa,
Publication year     1990
Volume     str. 122-40
Language     slo
Abstract     ACTION -l0 per cent - This is the action our republic has joined hands with the World Health Organisation and the International Prevention Organisation to reduce the degree of road accidents and their consequences. Last year's and the first half of this year's statistics about road accidents and their consequences reveals a much better situation regarding the road security conditions on the roads in Slovenia. However, there is still a great concern at the number of the victims as their number doesn't reduce in spite of all the efforts made by the promoters of this action. The level and dynamic of traffic accidents in the republics and provinces of SFR Yugoslavia from 1976 to l988, as well as in the Republic of Slovenia from l968 to 1988 were studied. For SFR Yugoslavia, the 13-year period was divided into the period from 1976 to 1983, which was already the object of the first study, and the next five years from 1984 to 1988 were added. For Slovenia, the entire period was divided into the period before the introduction of the Road Traffic Safety Act in Slovenia (in 1975) and the period following the Act . We were interested if any changes had occurred following the introduction of the Road Traffic Safety Act. In the years l976 - l988, road traffic traumatism decreased in Yugoslavia as a whole, as well as in most of the republics and provinces. A detalied review shows favourable data only for the entire period from 1976 to 1988. In the period from 1983 onwards, an increase in road traffic trau.matism occurred all over Yugoslavia, aspecially in Slovenia. For Slovenia, the 21-year period was divided in a different way than fo Yugoslavia. This is why the trends seem favourable in both periods before and after the introduction of the ftoad Traffic Safety Act. However, an intensified study of data shows that road traffic traumatism has increased in Slovenia from 1985 onwards.(trunc.)
Descriptors     ACCIDENTS, TRAFFIC