Avtor/Urednik     Novljan, Gregor; Kenig, Anton; Rus, Rina; Kenda, Rajko B
Naslov     Cyclic voiding urosonography in detecting vesicoureteral reflux in children
Tip     članek
Vir     Pediatr Nephrol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 18
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 992-5
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Three methods are currently used to identify vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in children, namely X-ray voiding cystourethrography (VCUG), radionuclide voiding cystography (RVC), and, recently, echo-enhanced voiding urosonography (VUS). It is known that the sensitivity of VCUG and RVC for detecting VUR can be improved by using cyclic procedures, such as repeated bladder filling and voiding. The purpose of our prospective study was to evaluate whether the cyclic procedure is superior to the conventional (one cycle only) procedure in VUS also. VUS was performed in 49 patients, aged 1.4-15.8 years (mean 4.1 years). After the first micturition, the catheter was left in place and the whole procedure was repeated under the same conditions. The results of the first and second cycles and the combined procedure were compared. In the initial cycle, 7 of 35 (20%) refluxing renal units that were detected in the second cycle and 4 of 26 (15%) children with at least unilateral VUR were missed. Cyclic VUS detected 25% more VURs than the conventional (one cycle only) VUS (P=0.049) and revealed 50% more VUR III than the first cycle. Our results suggest that cyclic VUS is superior to conventional VUS.