Author/Editor     Kržan, Mojca
Title     Interakcije med analgetiki in drugimi zdravili ter zaužitimi snovmi
Type     članek
Source     In: Kersnik J, editor. Kronična bolečina, sladkorna bolezen, depresija in preventivni program. Zbornik predavanj 4. Fajdigovi dnevi; 2002 okt 11-12; Kranjska Gora. Ljubljana: Združenje zdravnikov družinske medicine SZD,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 8-12
Language     slo
Abstract     A combination of different analgesic drugs is sometimes essential for the successful pharmacological treatment of pains. Some patients, in addition to their established pharmacotherapy need simultaneous treatment with analgesic drugs. A drug interaction is a modifacation of one drug action by a concomitant administration of another drug, food, alcohol or smoking. The drug interactions could be of pharmacodynamic or pharmacokinetic origin, could be clinically desirable or are manifested as adverse drug reactions or unsuccessful pharmacological treatment.
Descriptors     PAIN