Author/Editor     Židanik, Suzana
Title     Predpisovanje antibiotikov v družinski medicini
Type     članek
Source     In: Kersnik J, editor. Kronična bolečina, sladkorna bolezen, depresija in preventivni program. Zbornik predavanj 4. Fajdigovi dnevi; 2002 okt 11-12; Kranjska Gora. Ljubljana: Združenje zdravnikov družinske medicine SZD,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 68-72
Language     slo
Abstract     Some factors that influence antibiotics prescribing in management of infectious diseases in family medicine are elucidated. The importance, the definition of antibiotics and principal infectious diagnoses in family medicine are described. Adverse reactions after their application and data about their use are mentioned. Steps in approaching a patient when considering antibiotic therapy, problems affecting antibiotics prescribing, a professional approach to a patient when antibiotics are prescribed or withheld are presented. Recommendations for an appropriate antimicrobial treatment in common infections are listed in conclusions.
Descriptors     FAMILY PRACTICE