Author/Editor     Košorok, P
Title     Razvoj zaklopke za kontrolo izločanja blata in nego izpeljanega črevesa
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Medicinska fakulteta
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 112 (101)
Language     slo
Abstract     The aim of the research was to develop a new device for treatment of diverted bowel wich is inserted directly into it. The insertion enables safe anchoring of the device wich was tested on eight mongrel dogs. At the begining the device was inserted into a bowel for a shorter time in order to study its effects on intenstial tissues in the place where the device was pressing against the intenstial wall. In the course of the experiment the diameter of inserted ring was gradually enlarged and tested for secure anchoring and its optimal safety for intenstinal tissues. In the final part of the experiment the distal end of the bowel was modelled as a pouch stoma wich allowed for safer anchoring of the device. With two animals, the experiment was extended to 6-8 months, in order to find out eventual late comlications were noticed. The conclusion is that the device is safe and reliable. It can be proposed as a means of rehabilitation for patients.
Descriptors     ILEOSTOMY