Author/Editor     Gvardijančič, Diana; Strlič, Mirko; Pegan, Vladislav; Trotovšek, Blaž
Title     Prirojoene nepravilnosti žolčnih poti
Translated title     Malfomations of the biliary tract
Type     članek
Source     In: Jelenc F, editor. Zbornik simpozija Kirurgija žolčnika in žolčevodov; 2003 okt; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Klinični center, Klinični oddelek za abdominalno kirurgijo,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 126-31
Language     slo
Abstract     Early diagnosis of cholestasis in the newborn is esssential for succesfull treatment. Cholestasis that is a sign of obstruction or atresia of the bile ducts demands operative treatment. Diagnosis of the cause of cholestais is helped by morphologic studies (ultrasound, computer tomography, magnetic resonance and scintigraphy) or laparotomy and intraoperative cholangiography. We resect the cyst and enable the bile flow through an anastomosis with a Roux en Y loop. Reconstruction of the atretic bile ducts is less successfull and most patients become candidates fot liver transplantation. Results: treatment of the bile duct cysts is successfull and the long term follow up is excellent. Treatment of atresisas of the bile ducts is less successfull but the results in our institution are comparable to those in others centers in Europe.
Descriptors     CHOLESTASIS