Author/Editor     Repše, Stane; Norčič, Gregor; Štor, Zdravko
Title     Obravnavanje raka debelega črevesa in danke (RDČD) - nacionalna klinična smernica
Translated title     Management of colorectal cancer - a national clinical guideline
Type     članek
Source     In: Repše S, Tršinar B, editors. Zbornik predavanj 39. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije; 2003 okt 17-18; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Kirurška klinika, Klinični center,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 144-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Clinical guidelines are defined as systematically developed statements which assist clinicians and patients in making decisions about the appropriate treatment for specific conditions. The high incidence of colorectal cancer in Slovenia and poorer results of treatment compared with some other European countries and USA led to the decision to develop new guidelines. Our guidelines originate from the guidelines developed by SING (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network). The appropriate form of dissemination and implementation on all levels of medical care is of the greatest importance for the success of the guidelines. Considering the limits reached by surgical and ontological treatment, the greatest contribution to the improvement of outcome can be made by primary care.