Author/Editor     Norčič, Gregor; Štor, Zdravko; Repše, Stane
Title     Klinična pot - rak debelega črevesa in danke v Kliničnem centru Ljubljana
Translated title     Pathway - colorectal cancer at UMC
Type     članek
Source     In: Repše S, Tršinar B, editors. Zbornik predavanj 39. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije; 2003 okt 17-18; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Kirurška klinika, Klinični center,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 149-52
Language     slo
Abstract     Integrated care pathways are structured multidisciplinary care plans which detail essential steps in the care of patiens with a specific clinical problem. They have been proposed as a way of encouraging the translation of national guidelines into local protocols and their subsequent application to clinical practice. In KC Ljubljana we started to develop the integrated care pathway for colorectal cancer shortly after the launch of the national clinical guidelines for colorectal cancer. With the introduction of care pathways to clinical practice we hope to increase the use of guidelines, facilitate the systematic, continuing audit, to reduce the cost of medical care and improve its quality.