Author/Editor | Granda, Gal; Mlakar, Janez; Vodušek, David B | |
Title | Kratek preizkus spoznavnih sposobnosti - umerjanje pri preiskovancih, starih od 55 do 75 let (I) | |
Translated title | The Slovene version of mini mental state examination - standardization on volunteers from 55 to 75 years old (I) | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Zdrav Vestn | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 72, št. 10 | |
Publication year | 2003 | |
Volume | str. 575-81 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Background. The incidence of dementia isgrowing due to the aging of the population. Active search for the population at risk is necessary. Short cognitive screening tests are one of the most suitable ways of doing that The most often used test of this kind is Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Its distinctive features are simplicity and shortness. Kratek preizkus spoznavnih sposobnosti (KPSS) - Slovenian version of MMSE has been used in Slovenia since 2984, althougt there were no normative values for Slovenian population, which restricted its applicability and use in clinical practice. The aim of the present paper was to obtain the normative values for KPSS for different age and educational groups in population of adults older than 55 years. Our hypothesis was that test results would be significantly dependent on age and education which will justify the extensive nature of the study. Methods. Some parts of the test were modified based on clinical experience in last years. The modified KPSS was used for testing at general practices in Ljubljana, Maribor and Novo mesto. The research comprised of KPSS testing in 154 volunteers, mean age 65.1 (ranged from 55 to 87 years). None of them had a diagnosis of dementia or other active psychiatric or neurologic ilness. Results. We found that KPSS results are not influenced by gender. The volunteers were aranged in four age groups at five years intervals. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.0002) for the mean results among different age groups were found. Volunteers were further divided in groups according to the level of education and the differences in mean results among the educational groups were statistically significant (p < 0.0000). Normative values for the age and education groups were obtained. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters) | |
Summary | Izhodišča. Zaradi staranja prebivalstva se pogostost demence povečuje. Potrebno je aktivno iskanje obolelih vogroženipopulaciji. Za tako iskanje so najbolj primerni kratki presejalni testi kognitivnih sposobnosti. Eden najpogosteje uporabljanih testov te vrste je Mini Mental State Examination. Odlikujejo ga kratkost in enostavnost. V Sloveniji že od leta 1984 uporabljamo KPSS-slovensko priredbo MMSE, vendar norm za slovensko populacijo do danes nismo imeli, kar je omejevalo uporabnost in uporabo KPSS v praksi. Namen študije je pridobiti normativne vrednosti za test KPSS pri posameznih starostnih in izobrazbenih skupinah v populaciji starejših od 55 let. Pri testiranju večjega števila nedementnih preiskovancev z novo priredbo KPSS se bo pokazala po membna odvisnost rezultata od starosti in izobrazbe, s čimer bo utemeljena potreba po tako obsežni normativni študiji. Metode. V test KPSS smo vnesli nekatere popravke, ki so se ob praktični uporabi v zadnjih petih letih pokazali za potrebne. Testiranje smo izvajali v zdravstvenih domovih v Ljubljani, Mariboru in Novem mestu. V raziskavo smo vk jučili 154 preiskovancev, katerih povprečna starost je bila 65,1 leta (v razponu od 55 do 87 let). Noben preiskovanec ni imel diagnoze demenca ali druge aktivne psihiatrične oziroma nevrološke bolezni. Rezultati. Ugotovili smo, da rezultat na KPSS ni odvisen od spola. Preiskovance smo razvrstili v štiri starostne skupine v intervalih po pet let. Razlike v povprečnem rezultatu med starostnimi skupinami so bile statistično pomembne (p < 0, 0002). Preiskovance smo razdelili v skupine tudi glede na število let izobraževanja. Razlike v rezultatih na KPSS med izobrazbenimi skupinami so bile statistično visoko pomembne (p < 0,0000). Pridobili smo normativne vrednosti za posamezne starostne in izobrazbene skupine. (Izvleček skrajšan na 2000 znakov) | |