Author/Editor     Franko, A
Title     Biološki monitoring pri izpostavljenosti živemu srebru
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik referatov 7. simpozij Varnost in zdravje pri delu 2003; 2003 nov 4-5; Rogaška Slatina. Ljubljana: Zveza društev varnostnih inženirjev Slovenije,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 30-40
Language     slo
Abstract     Two complementary approaches to health risk assessment, i.e. the assessment of external exposure to mercury and biological monitoring, should be used to ensure safer working conditions and prevent adverse health effects in workers exposed to mercury. It affords early detection of hazardous exposure that is likely to cause early biological effects at the same internal dose of mercury in a given population group. Timely biological monitoring of mercury, followed by appropriate remedial action taken in the occupational setting, can decrease the level of exposure and reduce its harmful health effects. The paper provides an overview of principal properties of mercury, toxicokinetics, toxic effects of mercury and gives recommendation on performing biological monitoring and alteration of biological limit values in Slovenia.