Author/Editor     Šorli, Jurij
Title     KOPB - prevečkrat ali premalokrat postavljena diagnoza?
Translated title     COPD - a diagnosis made too often, or too infrequently?
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 42, št. Suppl 4
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 1-4
Language     slo
Abstract     This review is an attempt to present the mistakes made in over- and underdiagnosing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, one of the chronic diseases with the highest incidence and prevalence. Epidemiologic research has shown that the incidence of this disease is significantly higher than previously thought - up to 50% of those who suffer with it are unknown to the health care system. The same also applies to its early diagnosis and diagnosis of advanced forms, and mortality data. It is of urgent importance to increase awareness of this disease among physicians, and to enforce consistent observation of the current guidelines, especially with respect to lung function measurement and proper classification of comorbidities.
Summary     V preglednem članku smo skušali prikazati pomanjkljivosti pri diagnostiki najbolj množične kronične bolezni dihal - kronične obstruktivne pljučne bolezni. Epidemiološke raziskave kažejo, da je pogostost bolezni pomembno večja (do 50%), kot to prikazujejo podatki o bolnikih, ki jih odkriva sistem zdravstva. To velja tako za zgodnje odkrivanje bolezni, opredeljevanje napredovalih oblik, kot tudi za umrljivost. Izboljšanje znanja o bolezni, dosledno upoštevanje meril za diagnozo in spremljanje bolezni utegnejo bistveno izboljšati sedanje nezadovoljivo stanje.