Author/Editor     Zaletel-Kragelj, L; Pajntar, M
Title     Dejavniki tveganja za prezgodnji porod. Analiza 17.878 porodov v Sloveniji v letu 1986
Translated title     Risk factors for preterm labor. Analysis for 17,878 labors in Slovenia in 1986
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 61, št. 4
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 187-90
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. A large proportion of perinatal mortality and propensity to illness are ascribed to premature births. The condition for their successful prevention is their early discovery. An attempt for a system for early prediction of premature birth has thus been produced for Slovenia. Methods. Data on pregnancy for 17,878 births in Slovenia in 1986, of which 899 (5.0 per cent ) were premarure, were analized by the discriminant analysis method. Results. In general there were about 40 per cent of women who actually gave birth prematurely and about 90 per cent who actually gave birth on time. The positive predictive value for premarure births was 0.17, while the negative value for punctual births was about 0.97. Conclusions. To check the practical usefulness of this prediction system it would be necessary to test it against other data. With pregnant women for whom the prediction system points to the possibiliry of a premature delivery it would be worth carrying out an in-depth investigation of their psychosomatic state and intensifying control with those that have psychosomatic factors in their anamnesis.
Descriptors     LABOR, PREMATURE