Author/Editor     Bačnik, Andreja; Černe, Katarina; Jagodic, Lucija
Title     Izvajanje vsebin kemijske varnosti in pouk kemije
Type     članek
Source     In: Glavič P, Brodnjak-Vončina D, editors. Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2002. Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja. 2. del; 2002 sep 26-27; Maribor. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 944-9
Language     slo
Abstract     During the school year 2001/02 the Phare project "Chemical safety" took place at the National Chemicals Bureau at the Ministry of Health. In the assurance of chemical safety, education also plays an important role. For this purpose the select project working group developed a questionnaire on the topics of chemical safety in chemistry classes in elementary and secondary schools. The questionnaire was only used in those schools where chemistry is a general, independent subject and was completed by 232 teachers of chemistry and by technicians. The results of the questionnaire show that symbols for labelling dangerous substances and preparations are taught in elementary as well as secondary schools. In elementary schools teachers mostly include them into the introductory lessons and during demonstration experiments, while in secondary schools (particularly in grammar-schools) symbols more often present a component part of the independent experimental work of pupils. When treating and including the symbols during lessons, teachers use various teaching materials. An active participation of pupils in getting known and remembering the symbols is of great importance for acquiring permanent knowledge and for a better transfer of knowledge to home environment (indirect education). We believe that with a 9-grade elementary school the active participation of pupils in getting familiar with the symbols will even increase. Particularly good results in integrating the symbols into the examination and grading of knowledge are achieved in elementary schools. More than a half of teachers are of opinion that the symbols should be introduced already in lower classes of 9-grade elementary schools. Less favourable are the results regarding the knowledge of the symbol "dangerous for the environment" and of the R- and S- sentences (Risk and Safety advice phrases) as well as regarding practical training of pupils before starting the work in laboratory.
Descriptors     CHEMISTRY