Author/Editor     Zaletel, Marija
Title     Education for nursing care in the past and a look into the future
Type     članek
Source     In: Mičetić-Turk D, Kokol P, editors. Proceedings of the international symposium "New trends in modern nursing"; 2003 Dec 2; Maribor. Maribor: Univesity college of nursing studies,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 89-98
Language     eng
Abstract     The article is about the development of nursing education at the University College of Health Studies in Ljubljana. Efforts to achieve the highest level of qualification for nurses and tendencies to make the study process more satisfactory for students in the future are presented. A survey showed that students are sometimes dissatisfied with the performance of practical training. The survey examined the self-image and professional image of students of nursing, values, education, attitudes towards ethical principles and relations between nursing staff and students during practical training. There is a need for high quality education at all levels. It should combine theory and practice, raise the level of self-esteem, positive self-image and ethical behaviour, teach students to be critical, creative, innovative, encourage team work, research, clear communication, which would all help the nursing profession to become recognised and respected in the society and among co-workers.
Descriptors     EDUCATION, NURSING