Avtor/Urednik     Ramšak-Pajk, Jožica; Mihelič-Zajec, Andreja; Ovijač, Darja
Naslov     Neformalno dogajanje v delovnem kolektivu - "etika senčne strani"
Prevedeni naslov     Informal happening in a nursing working collective - "ethics of shadow side"
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Klemenc D, Kvas A, Pahor M, et al, editors. Zdravstvena nega v luči etike. Ljubljana: Društvo medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov,
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 49-55
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The article is about the shadow side in a nursing working collective and the influence of them on individuals. Special emphasis is made on organizational culture which consists of people habits, their thinking and the way they generally behave. The research was made with a questionary on 127 nursing students - irregular study. lt has been found out that a shadow side problem is present in the nursing environment. Thereby having an influence on interpersonal relations and on the quality of work. The problem solving approach in such a case depends specially on the leadership but also on individuals. Results are showing also, that nurses are prepared to speak about those problems.